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( Michael's POV )

I told her? Did I really? I feel like I did. Would it be stupid to ask her if I did? Yes it would Michael now get back on track. I feel like we're an item now, but I don't. I told her how I feel, she told me how she feels, we kissed, she's now lying in my arms as we watch Fantasia cause it's Jessie favourite movie. Are we really?

"Hey, are you ok? You're kinda lost in outer space there" She said and I jumped at the sound of her sweet voice.

"Yeah but I have one question... are we like together? Do you want to be with like a kinda famous dude? You don't have to date me, although it would be nice and I would be heart broken if you said no bu-" She cut me off.

"Hold your horses matey. I don't care if your famous or not, it doesn't change the love thing. I would love to date you as much as I love you as a whole, that's a lot by the way, and you don't have to be heart broken or any of that shit because we are officially a couple" She said holding her hands together.

I felt this whole weight, once again fall off my shoulders. I haven't known her that long but it doesn't matter about the amount of time it takes to fall in love. Wait... does it? My theory says not.

Jess snuggles into my a tad more and I wrap my arms around her waist. We just lie there together and it feels perfect. Like every single piece of the jigsaw puzzle that I was missing was suddenly found by the Queen and her two Corgis. Yes it feel like they were found by the Queen. Who doesn't love the Queen right?

I quickly grab my phone I feel the need to tweet about this historical moment in the world of Michael Gordon Clifford. I'm not gonna show it to the world just yet but I am gonna hint it. I decide I should probably ask Jess first just in case.

"Wouldn't it be awesome if we kinda hinted that we were together. Like if i tweet something like... I don't know I'll think of it later but like a quote or something maybe and the fans will be like 'what the actual f**k just happened'??"

"OH MY GOD YOU GENIUS" She yells as she jumps to her feet.


"Yes do it now. I'll find like a really cheesy quote" She says while sitting back down, on my lap.

"Ok, this is awesome!"

Jessie grabs her phone and looks for the quote while I open my twitter and just well, scroll. While doing this it dawns on me that I don't know her last name.

"Quick question. You know mine but I don't know yours, whats your last name?" I ask her trying my best not to sound really creepy.

"Oh yeah I totally forgot, it's Leed. " She says while still scrolling.

I search up her name on twitter and hers is the first one to come up. I double check by looking at her profile picture, yep it's her. I press follow and her phone buzzes.

"Oooh, you cheeky thing" she says as she takes a break from scrolling for two seconds to look and wink at me.

Jessie Leed... it sounds even more beautiful that way.

( Jessie's POV )

This. Is. Perfect. We are officially a couple, like, a dating couple and he's gonna send a cheesy quote to his fans on Twitter. A cheesy love quote to be exact. Never did I even dare to think something as amazing as this would happen to me but it is happening, right in front of my eyes.

"I FOUND IT, THE PERFECT ONE!!!!" I yell and spring to my feet.

"Give it to me" Mikey says, excitement and rebellion audible in his voice.

I throw my phone at Mike, jumping up and down with excitement.

"Calm down you wild bean" He says as he catches the phone and types the quote into a tweet.

"Bean??" I question his choice of description.

"Yeah I'm crazy, anyways. This is perfect. You are perfect. We, us, you, me together, is perfect." He says and grabs my hands to try and calm me down.

"Just tweet it already" I say to him once again jumping up and down.

My phone buzzes and the tweet pops up on my lock screen. He did it. He stands up and runs around like a headless chicken. I start laughing at him and then we both start cracking up and fall on the floor together.

" I've meant everything I've said so far you know" He says hovering above me, still both lying on the floor.

"I know, I DO believe you" I say with a light chuckle.

"Good, I'm glad you do. I believe everything you've said as well. Thats whats gonna make this work. Trust." He says staring into my eyes.

Trust... something i don't have in many people in my life.

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