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( Michael's POV )

I leant down and touch my lips to hers. Every time we kiss sparks fly, even though we've only kissed a few times. I never knew someone could be so important to me. I'm glad Jessie's staying the night. We can stay lying in each others arms all night. The tweet was a success. My phone keeps lighting up with notifications that read things like 'tf r u talking about Mikey' and 'OOOH MORE DETAILS PLZ' it's kinda funny but it's not at the same time. If Jessie and I become anything super serious I'll have to tell the fans and I'm not to sure how they'll react. What if they hate me for it? But, why would they hate me? It's my own life. I don't know but whatever.

We'Ve been lying on the couch watching TV, whispering sweet nothings into each others ears for about an hour and a half now. Time check, 11:23pm. I look down at Jess and she's dozed off into a mild sleep looking cute as hell. I feel my own eyes start to feel really heaving so I reach for the TV remote and switch the TV off. I gently rest my head on top of hers and my eyes flutter shut. I quickly pinch myself just to check if this is a dream or not. Nope its not. I close my eyes and just listen to the crickets chirping outside. Normally, it really annoys me but for some reason tonight it's different. My thoughts slow down and I drift off into a deep sleep.

*Next Day, 7am*

I was awoken by Jessie stirring in her sleep. I opened my eyes and was quite surprised because we were in the exact same position as we were in when we fell asleep late last night. I stretched my arm out in search for my phone. I grabbed it and looked at the time. 10:26am. I'm not to sure what time Jess wants to go home so I shook her awake.

"Morning sunshine" I said in a low voice and kissed her cheek.

"Hey, what time is it?" She asks in a whisper.

"10:26, why? Do you need to get somewhere today?" I replied.

"Oh okay, no but I was thinking..."

"Hmmm, what were you thinking?"

"If you're not doing anything maybe we can hang out a bit more" She said as she she turned her head and looked out the window.

"I was thinking maybe we could go to the beach with my band mates. You'll like them I promise." I ask. I don't want her to hate the guys because that'll just be a disaster. I also don't want the guys to hate her.

"That would be AWESOME!!" She said slowly standing up and walking out the door into the rest of the house, probably to go to the bathroom or something.

I rub my eyes and pick up my phone and text the guys in our group chat.

Me: Hey guys, wanna go to the beach today? I've also got someone I want you all to meet.

I instantly get a reply from all of the guys, agreeing to come with Jess and I but I don't tell them anything about her yet but Ashton says.

Ashton: Sure, meet at Venice Beach

I guess that's where we're going then.

( Jessie's POV )

At least he didn't wake me up super early. I walk out to go to the bathroom and see Karen, Mike's mom in the kitchen.

"Good morning sweetheart. Sleep we?" She asks, already fully dressed, making breakfast.

"Yeah pretty well thanks, how about you?" I ask.

"Yes Yes, very well. Mikey awake? Ooh, are pancakes alright for breakfast?" She asks. I like Karen. She's very chirpy and bright which makes me feel all happy inside.

"Uh, he was awake when I walked out and yes pancakes would be lovely thank you."

"Ok, you go to the bathroom... I'm guessing that's where you were going?" She asks with an unsure tone.

"Yeah, I'll go do that. " I say.

As I start to walk away, Michael walks into the kitchen. He gives me a weak, tired smile as I walk into the bathroom. From inside the bathroom I hear him and his mom talking but to me it's just a faint mumble. I'm not gonna bother putting any makeup on since we are going to a beach and we are going to be swimming and I don't want it to run and then  make me look like a raccoon or something. I'm pretty sure today's gonna be an awesome day and Mike's friends are gonna be cool. I just hope we all get along.

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