Chapter Nineteen: She's Gone

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Chapter Nineteen: She's Gone

Hazel's POV:

"Hazel! Crowley was looking for you," calls Harry.

"Yeah, hold on!" I make no move to get up, knowing very well Crowley himself will come for me in just a moment. Harry is my supervisor, but I don't really think I need one. I do as I'm told even if I'm not the most gracious employee. So far, none of my clients have complained once, making me "employee of the month." It's not like I would ever say no to someone. I love my job.

What's not to love? I get to wear skanky outfits, have sex with demons, and get paid for doing it. And let me just say, the sex is amazing. I mean the demons really know how to make a girl unravel. Every part of my job gives me joy and I don't even remember what my life was like before this.

I've only been working here for a few weeks, but I have plenty of regular clients. I even get most of the one timers. On top of all that, I'm the one Crowley calls upon when he has a special client he wants entertained. For some reason, I seem to be his favorite.

Someone clears their throat in front of me, causing me to peek one eye open. Room 16 is in full swing, clients everywhere chowing down on their latest victim. My eyes skim over them, instead landing on the stout little bearded man in front of me.

"Do you need something?" The demon at my feet pauses, wondering if he should stop due to the royalty in our presence. I just wave him off and he ducks his back between my legs.

"Hazel, could I speak with you a moment?" Crowley looks down annoyingly at the demon. "Alone?"

"Can it wait? I'm kinda in the middle of something, Crowley," I muse, frowning up at my boss. None of the other girls would ever dare to speak to him that way, but I know he doesn't care if I do. He's the one that trained me with all the pure stuff when I first got here and I know I'm his favorite. He rolls his eyes and reaches down to rip the demon out of me. "Hey!"

"I need you to be on door duty," Crowley says, pushing the demon aside. Groaning, I cross my arms and glare up at the King of Hell.

"I was on door duty yesterday," I snap, my words obviously not sinking into Crowley's brain. He just gives me a look and I groan again. "But why?"

"Because, my darling, the last girl feinted from exhaustion and I know you're getting plenty of sleep," he answers, looking at me as a parent would. When I open my mouth to objectify, Crowley simply states, "Yes, I've seen you taking naps. Hence why you are now on door duty for the rest of the afternoon."


"Now," he growls, his voice raising in volume. Several demons look our way, wondering what's got their king so flustered. When they realize it's only me, they go back to what they were doing.

"Fine, fine, I'll go," I mutter as I stand up, giving him a fake smile.

"Thank you, love," he says, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek before sending me on my way. I smile my way through customer after customer, saying the words Right this way sir and Let me escort you to your table more times than I can count. I've just about lost my mind when Jason finally stops by, his smile brightening up the drab task of manning the door.

"Hey princess," he coos, wrapping his arms around me and pecking me on the lips. "Why are you on door duty?"

"'Cause everyone else in here are lightweights," I mutter, motioning someone else in. I don't bother to walk him in completely; he can find a seat on his own. Jason chuckles, pulling back just enough to look me up and down. His eyes narrow in on my stomach, causing me to look down.

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