Family Beach Day

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Sang POV
Saturday dawned bright and early. I rolled over and snuggled closer into North. He was warm and I wasn't ready to get up yet.

"Sang Baby it is time to get up." North said into my ear.

"But North Star it is Saturday. Why do we have to get up so early?"

"Don't you remember what today is baby?"

I try to think but my brain is not cooperating with me. It's Saturday so no school. Everyone is off from the diner today. No missions scheduled that I know of. What could it be?

"Oh its family beach day. Why didn't you wake me up North Star!" I jump out of bed to get ready as North chuckles behind me.

"I just did baby." I hear him say as I run into the bathroom to take a bath.

When I am done and dressed for the day I make my way to the living room to see if the other boys are here yet. North stayed with Nathan and I last night. Luke was supposed to bring Gabriel and Silas with him. Kota should already be here. Victor, Dr. Sean, and Mr. B had a late mission so they should be here in a little bit.

I walk into the kitchen to see that breakfast is on the table and everyone except Victor, Sean, and Mr. B are here.

"Good morning everyone, its beach day." I excitedly give hugs to all my boys and sit down to eat.

"10, as soon as breakfast is done we will load up. The others are going to meet us there." Kota tells me as everyone dishes up their plates.

I eat as fast as I can so we can go and earn a few chuckles from the boys.
Dishes are done quickly and we load up the cars. To the beach we go.


Getting to the beach we set up chairs, umbrellas, coolers and set to work on applying sunscreen to everyone. Luke and Gabriel are extra careful to apply it good after the pool day incident. I laugh to myself thinking about it.

I hear my name so I look up to where we parked the cars and see the rest of my boys getting out of Mr. B's car. I run towards them and get scooped up and spun around by Sean. After hugs from Victor and Mr. B we head back down to our stuff.

"So what is on the agenda for today?" I ask the boys as I sit in my chair.

"Let's play in to water for a while and then we can play volleyball." Nathan suggests.

"Sounds good to me, let's go to the water." Luke says as he charges forward.

We all chuckle until he suddenly stops just before he gets there.

"Luke what's wrong?" I ask him as the rest of us run to catch up to him. I look out to the water to see if I see something. I don't see anything weird or out of place.

"NO STOP" Luke shouts as we get closer. We all stop about two feet behind him.

"Luke what's wrong?" North repeats my question in a louder volume.

"I stepped on something" Luke tells him looking scared.

I go to rush forward when Mr. B and Sean hold me back. I look at them to see why they stopped me and I see a look in Mr. B's eye that I saw only once before. I stop and wait because I know what's going on now.

North and Silas approach Luke very slowly and get on their knees next to him to start digging out the sand around Luke's feet.

North and Silas are so focused on their task that they don't see the rest of us backing up or Gabriel holding up his phone recording the whole thing.

"What the Fu..." North starts to say when there is a loud boom. I look at the scene in front of me and start laughing hysterically. I fall to my knees and start to cry I am laughing so hard.

North and Silas are covered in Pink paint and confetti.

Luke calmly moves forward, turns and leans down to look at North.

"I told you I would get you back if it was the last thing I did. This is just the beginning. You won't know where or how but I will get vengeance for my chocolate." He stands up and walks back to us like nothing happened.

Silas falls over and starts laughing. North is still frozen with his hands in the sand. I look at Luke and point to North.

Luke looks back and laughs. "I think I broke him."

Thanks for reading
This is another booktober fest one shot.
Anon2404 asked for this revenge story.
Look for Luke's revenge part 2 coming soon.

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