Good Day Turns Bad

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This is for our Facebook group weekly challenge.
Unedited so I you see anything let me know.

Sang POV

"Sang Sorenson to the Principals office." The loud speaker cracks.

Ugg just what I wanted. We have two weeks left of school, and I was hoping to skate by today without being called. We finally have all the evidence we need to take Hendricks down. The police should be coming tomorrow to arrest him. The boys decided that today would be my last day for the week, to allow the dust to settle, and the police to leave the school before I came back. We are trying to keep me off their radar, so they don't take me away.

I go to get up from my seat and Silas squeezes my feet with his. I look back at him and he tells me that it will be ok and they will be watching. I tell him I love him and walk out the door.

I'm walking down the hall to the office when I hear voices coming up behind me.

"Oh look, it's the academy skank."

Not recognizing the voice I keep walking.

"So no one but your seven playthings will do, you just ignore everyone else."

I start to walk faster but I can hear them following. I think there are three of them but can't tell for sure.

I am almost to the office when one of them grabs me and pulls us into a empty classroom.

Looking up at them I realize that I have never seen them before.

All three are about Kota's height with Nathan's build, but look scary like North. Their hair cuts are a little weird, it kinda reminds me of the three stooges show that Luke and Gabriel had me watch.

I start to shake, "What do you want?"

Moe starts speaking, "Well girly, you have caused quite a commotion at this school. You have got those seven guys panting after you like little dogs. Half of our friends have been kicked out of school because of you and your harem. No one wants to buy any drugs because they are afraid, so our business has severely declined, again because of you."

"Someone needs to pay. And I think your body will do just nicely." Larry leers at me while he is talking.

"Go ahead and scream. I like it when they fight." Curly says as he advances towards me.

Oh my god, where are my boys.

The guys start to cage me in so I react. I punch curly in the nose and kick moe in the balls. I start to make a break for the door when Larry pushes me to the floor, "You aren't going anywhere."

He rolls me over as the other two reach us. Just as they grab my hands and Larry reaches to grab my blouse, the door breaks open.

"What the hell are you doing?" I hear a familiar shout and then Larry is gone off of me. The other two let go to help their friend.

"You do not touch her." Victor punches Larry in the face. "You have no right to touch her."

I push of the floor and red line everyone. I grab curly's hair and pull him back as hard as I can. He falls to the floor and I kick him in the balls. I look up and see the rest of the boys run into the room and quickly subdue the guys.

"Sang Baby are you ok? What happened?"

I realize I am still shaking and sit down on the front desk. As I tell the boys everything, I look around and see that Nathan is proud that I used the self defense techniques we have been working on. I see a mixture of pride and horror on every other face. I wait for North to blow a gasket but what happens next shocks me.

"What? Why didn't you redline us as soon as you heard them. Or when they pulled you in the classroom. Do you realize what could have happened if Victor hadn't been close by when Dr. Green saw you get pulled in here?" At that he punches a hole in the wall and sits down. His face is red and he is breathing really heavy.

Why didn't I redline? I don't know.

"I thought I would make it to the office and be safe, I didn't think. Oh my god I am so sorry." I start to cry after this and I get hugs from everyone but the one that matters most in this moment. I look down at him, pleading with my eyes that he forgive me. He is so mad right now. I have never seen him like this, and clearly this hardly ever happens as the rest of the boys are shocked too.

"Please forgive me?" I plead.

He looks up at me and we just stare into each other's eyes. After an eternity but was probably only a minute he says, "yes I forgive you."

I launch myself at him and knock us both over. I breath into his neck and sigh with relief. His scent calms me the rest of the way. I am home with vanilla and sugar enveloping me.

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