The Floor is Lava

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A/N: just a short one. Facebook videos give you the greatest ideas.

Sang POV

Gabriel decided that we had to go shopping today as a group.

So here we are, the ten of us, walking through the mall after stopping at eight different stores. North and Nathan started grumbling after store number three. The rest of us were done after five, but Gabriel is in his element.

I look around the mall and get an idea.

"Hey Luke, the floor is Lava." I yell across to him.

His eyes get wide and starts to look around. I start to count down from five as he runs and jumps on a vendor cart in the middle of the mall and starts yelling "The floor is lava, get off the floor."

I start to laugh as all the kids that are walking with there parents jump on top of anything they can and encourage their parents to get up too. Gabriel and I climb on a bench. The rest of my boys look at Luke like he has lost his mind.

"Luke, get your butt off that cart before you break something." North yells at him.

A look from Owen finally got Luke off the cart a couple minutes later.

"What was that?" Kota asks.

Gabriel pulls out his phone and shows everyone the video that Luke, Gabriel and I saw last night.

A few of the boys laugh and the rest just shake there heads.

Silas's stomach grumbles so we decide to go to the food court for lunch. We are almost to the food court when Nathan yells out "The floor is lava."

Everyone except Owen and North jump on top of something. Nathan and Silas climb on a bench, Kota and Victor end up on trash cans, Sean and Luke are on a vendor cart, and Gabriel and I climb up on a couple of planters.

Owen just shakes his head and keeps walking. After a minute we all laugh and catch up to him.

After lunch we decide to go to Nathan's and swim for the rest of the afternoon. We are almost to the cars when Owen speaks up.

"Oh, by the way, the floor is lava."

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