Chapter 3

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          When I arrived at home, I took a nice long shower and then relaxed on the couch while watching some cartoons. Soon after, my mom sat down beside me with her ipad in hand.

          “Katie, I have something to show you,” my mom said gesturing to the ipad screen.

          “Um, ok,” I replied.

          “I have a friend’s sister, whose daughter is attending Hillcrest Academy.”

          “Do I know this friend?” I asked a little suspicious, but I followed along.

          “No you don’t know my friend, but she loves the Academy. At Hillcrest, they have an amazing honors program and some of the best horseback riding instructors. You can compete in top end shows while studding at honors level.” My mom showed me the online brochure; it looked like a top end Academy.

          “Wow mom that sounds cool, your friend’s sister’s daughter must be very lucky.”

          “Who?” my mom questioned for a second before answering her own question, “oh right, my friend’s sister’s daughter.”

          I spent the next twenty minutes looking at the website. It really looked like a great school. The programs looked awesome, and there was even drama program.

          “Would you like to attend the school?” she asked.

          “Of course, I think I would learn a lot,” I replied thinking that she was just wondering what my thoughts of the school are. As cool as the school looked, I did not think that I would be able to travel across country to attend a school away from my parents. Also I would need my own horse.



          A week later, headed out to the barn for my first ride on Lexus in a while. The vet had come out early in the morning and told Krystal that Lexus was sound enough to lightly ride him. I was relieved to hear the great news. I decided on the drive to the barn that I would take it easy with him today and bring out the old western saddle and practice some gymkhana games.

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