Chapter 10

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After the Equestrian Academy was over, I walked up to Josh, "hey, do you have some free time?"

"Ya sure, what can I help you with?" Josh replied walking out of the tack room after our the equestrian academy.

"I was hoping that you could help me with my cross country," I said a little embarrassed.

"Hey, of course," Josh replied placing his hand on my shoulder, "let's go tack up our horses and meet each other out side in 15."

I walked off to Lexus's stall where he stood munching on last little bit of hay in his stall.

"Ok boy," I said rubbing his neck, "why don't we try that cross country again."

Soon, I was tacked up and buckling up my vest. I was a little nervous, and I knew Lexus could feel me tense up. The first time we tried cross country it did not go so well.

"Are you ready?" Josh asked as we stood in front of the entrance to the cross country course.

"Let's hope so," I smiled and then gave Lexus a cluck to urge forward.

Quickly Lexus picked up a smooth canter towards the first obstacle. It was a 2'3 log.

I counted my strides in, 3, 2, 1, carefully but surely Lexus rocked back in to his haunches and lifted off the ground. The second we landed on the other side I pointed him at the next jump.

I could hear the hoofs of Josh's horses Gucci beating away on the ground behind us. Gucci was an amazing cross country mare at least that was what I was told.

Soon, we were two strides away from a 2'6 brush box. I could tell Lexus was staring the jump down, but I urged him on with my heels and we landed safely in the other side.

It did not take long for me gain my confidence back. After taking another three or four jumps, and a small creek I pulled Lexus to a halt and waited for Josh to catch up.

I gave Lexus a quick rub on the neck before Josh halted Gucci beside us. "You two look amazing, I have no idea what you are worried about?" Josh paused for a second and then said "Lexus must have had some cross country experience."

"You really think we look good?" I asked smiling.

"Did you not just complete half an intermediate cross country course without a hesitation?" Josh stated.

"Then I must finish the second half to really get a feel for how good I am," I laughed. "Ok boy," I said giving Lexus a slight kick on his sides.

The next jump was an overgrown hedge about 2'5 in height. Again without a hesitation Lexus leaped over the jump. I made a mental note to call Krystal later about Lexus's training.

Another four jumps later a small ditch came into view. The ditch was skinnier than the one Lexus refused, but I kept his pace steady just in case.

3, 2, 1, I lifted up into the air ready for Lexus to jump, but instead he reared throwing me out of the saddle. I landed face down on the grass beside the ditch.

I didn't dare move in case I had broken something. I knew Lexus had galloped off because I no longer felt his presence.

"Oh my Katie," Josh said dismounting his mare and running over towards where I lay. "Can you roll over onto your back?"

Cautiously I rolled over onto my back, and then slowly sat up. My head was spinning, I hit the ground pretty hard.

"I am fine Josh, but thanks," I said as he helped me to my feet.

"You should really go see the nurse," he said with concern.

"I am fine, and besides I have too much homework anyways," I objected as I walked back towards the barn where I knew Lexus had headed.

I know this chapter is REALLY short and rushed........ but I started to get writers block on this story and I thought I should at least post something.

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