Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

“Do it one more time Katie,” Mr. Rooks yelled from the other side of the arena. “Just this time put more trust in your horse.”

I was exhausted, Mr. Rooks had been picking on my dressage all morning. I was never an amazing Dressage rider, but before I could do a simple extended trot with having this much trouble.

“That is better Katie, but loosen up your reins Lexus knows what he is doing,” instructed Mr. Rooks.  

I did as I was told, but I was too tired to continue for much longer and I could see Lexus’s coat start to dampen with sweat. With the last bit of energy I had, I put all of my effort in.

“We have run out of time to continue, give your horses a good cool off then get to class,” Mr. Rooks said.

After Lexus was cooled off I walked him back to his stall. He was drenched in disgusting sweat, luckily it was warm enough that I could give him a hose and not have to wait until his dries.

When Lexus was all put away, I ran to my dorm where I gave myself a nice shower. Quickly I threw on my HCA uniform, within five minutes I gave up trying to straighten my hair, and pulled it back into a ponytail.

The Cafeteria was busy so I grabbed a blueberry muffin and made my way to my first class. I was surprised to find the door to my science class open, so I walked inside to see if anyone was there.

“Come on in Katie,” Ms. Jackson said before I saw her sitting at her desk. “Did you find an answer to your question?”

For a second I did not understand what she was asking about, but then I realised that she gave me the idea to look it up on google. “I did,” my voice almost sounded a little disappointed.

“I see,” Ms. Jackson smiled, “Your questioned was answered, but it was not the answer you were looking for. Am I getting this right.” I nodded my head. “So what are you going to do now?”

“Well I have to fix it if I want to stay on the team,” I leaned up against one of the student desks.

“Oh, this is a Horseback riding problem,” Ms. Jackson smiled, “I think in this case you will have to trust gut, unlike science there is no right and wrong answer.”

“That is all I have heard lately, trust, trust, trust! What if I have already tried that!” I was tired of hearing the same thing over and over again.

“Maybe you have to show your horse that you are ready to trust him, not just do it. If that makes any sense,” Ms. Jackson suggested.

“Kind of-” I was about to say more when the bell rang and tons of students can running into the classroom.


During lunch today I heard all afternoon classes were canceled today because the teacher had some sort of last minute meeting. Most people were happy, but I was hoping for Drama and to start The Penny Dreadful’s Play.

I was about to head back to my room when Alex came bounding up behind me, “Katie, I have season 2 of Heartland on DVD, want to watch it tonight?”

“Of course,” I smiled. “Meet me in my room around 3:00 we can watch it on my flat screen TV.”

“That would be awesome,” Ales said before she walked back off to her dorm.

I picked up my pace and started on homework the second I got to my room. I wanted to have tons of time to watch Heartland, the best TV show ever.

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