Chapter 4

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Zyliah was crying and Kyle was on the verge of it. They both went slowly, towards them. Something was very wrong.
And they had to find out.
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Mary held Rupert's hand tighter as they slowly walked towards the couple. Zyliah or Kyle had not noticed them. They went slowly and each touched their sibling's shoulder. Both the elders opened their eyes, shocked. They quickly wiped their eyes and looked up, trying to smile but failing miserably.
"What's wrong?" Mary asked.
"Oh it's nothing..." Kyle tried to answer.
"No we know something's wrong. Now tell us." Rupert said, holding Mary's hand tighter.
A tear slipped down Kyle's cheek.
"I'm not living long. I'm dying Mary, just like that, I'm dying. That disease, whatever it is, I hate it. None of the doctors know about it, hell no one even knows about the origin of the disease. It's killing me, slowly. I'll die. I don't have much time. Just a year. That's all I have, with you, Zy, Mom, and then I'll be with dad. I..." He couldn't say more as he chocked on his tears and started crying.
Mary left Rupert's hand and hugged Kyle hard. She had tears in her eyes too. Her brother was dying, and then she would be alone. Zyliah was already crying and she cried harder, rubbing Mary's back to calm her a little. Even Rupert was in tears.
"We do have one year. We'll make the best of it." Mary said, breaking the hug and wiping the tears.
"I agree. You will make a bucket list and we will complete it all. Anything you want to do." Zyliah gave the idea.
"And we will never let you realize that you are not going to be with us." Rupert said. Kyle hugged them all.
"Thank you guys. Now who wants ice cream?" He asked wiping away his tears.
"ME!!" Mary and Rupert shouted together.
"Off you both. Go and take your ice creams. We're coming." Zyliah said, getting up and taking Kyle's hand.
"And you are coming with me mister." She said, standing up on the bench.
"What are you doing?" Kyle asked confused when everything around him became dark.
"It's okay. Just hold my hands and follow my lead." She said, holding both his hands and walking backwards towards a beautiful tree whose leaves made a sort of a tunnel.
She made him sit on the ground, took a stone and wrote something in the bark. It took her about two minutes to make it perfect. She took a wild flower that looked beautiful and told Kyle to take off the blindfold. He blinked a couple of times before he could see properly. There stood, in front of the tree, Zyliah on one knee with a flower. Behind her, in the tree was written in a heart, 'Will you be my boyfriend?'
"What? Where this coming from?" He didn't mean it to be offensive. He thought she was doing it because of what he told her.
"Oh my God! You must think it's because of what you told me, of course. But I swear it's not, I just wanted to ask you. That's what I actually had planned on doing anyways. I'm sorry if you don't want to though. It's totally fine. Yeah I don't mind. It's just a crush, I'll get over it. It's okay, damn I'm so stupid..." She continued rambling. Kyle ram over to her and put one hand on her cheek, the other on her waist, forcing her to look up. Her eyes were filled with tears and one slipped. Kyle wiped it and said, "Obviously I would be your boyfriend. God that sounds so weird. I should be the one asking. It's just that I've been crushing over you for so long and you asked and I was just caught off guard. God, I could just kiss you right now. I mean, if wa-want to that is. I mean may I? I mean can we?" He stupidly said.
"Shushhh... We may." She said shyly.
He slowly bent down and gently kissed her lips. Slowly moving his lips, afraid that it'll break her, caressing her like a glass doll.
They pulled away when a camera flashed.
"This is perfect for the Valentine's Ball's invites. Thanks guys. By the way, the shopkeeper is asking for money. Come on. Kiss later." Rupert said, waking away with his phone, looking at the picture.
Zyliah stepped back shyly, blushing like a middle schooler.
"Come on. By the way, it was a perfect way to propose." Kyle said, holding her hand and pulling her forward.
"Thanks." She said blushing.
Sup people?
I'm back. I'm sorry for the late update, if anyone waited. Anyway what do you think?
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