Chapter 7

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It was 22nd of August when Zyliah woke up early and didn't feel bad about it. She woke up at 7 a.m. on her own. She got dressed in a pair of blue shorts and a white see through full sleeved shirt. She wore a pair of black sandals  and a few beaded necklaces. She put on a few bracelets and a watch on both her wrists and put her hair in a pony.
She looked at the time after she was ready. It was only 7.30 a.m. She went ahead and packed her bags for the weekend.
She packed three swimsuits, one black full sleeved one piece, one blue two piece with florals. It had a full sleeve crop top and a bikini bottom, and a one piece which was white with black stripes on it. She packed three shirts, all see through and full sleeved, a few tank tops and one more pair of shorts just in case and her under wear. She put it all in a duffle bag and emptied her backpack of her school supplies.
In her backpack, she put a sun block, a pair of aviators, her travel kit (which had lotion, deodorant, tooth brush, tooth paste, face wash, some basic medicines and body wash), her favourite Chapstick which was watermelon flavoured and had a glossy finish, her phone charger and speakers, her wallet, camera, a bunch of hair ties and a summer scarf. It was not that hot and not that cool where they were situated.
She realized that she had taken half an hour to pack her stuff and went to Rupert's room to see whether he was ready or not. When she entered, she saw Rupert up and about, packing his stuff in a duffle bag. He had bathed at night the last night, so he didn't that morning. Zyliah went inside his room, after knocking and said, "You sure that you've taken everything?"
"Yup. Oh, I'm so excited. Do Mary and I get one room like Kyle and you do?" He answered.
"I guess so. But no funny business. Now let's do a check, you got your sun block?"
"Swimming trunks?"
"Travel kit?"
"No. Oh shoot, thanks." He went ahead to his cupboard and grabbed his travel kit which had the same things as hers.
"See. Anyways, normal clothes for if we go out?"
"Phone charger and speakers?"
"Uh huh."
"Camera? With its charger and stuff?"
"Okay you're good to go. Let's go have breakfast." Zyliah said, waking out.
"Okay." Rupert grabbed his duffle and followed after Zyliah.
"Will you go grab my bags too, I'll start with the breakfast?" Zyliah called to Rupert.
"Fine." He said grumbling.
He grabbed her bags and went down, with some difficulties because he had four bags.
When he reached down, he saw his dad sitting on the table arguing with Zyliah in a hushed tone.
"What's going on?" He asked, dumping all the bags near the front door and going to the kitchen.
"Nothing. I'll be in my room for some time. I don't want to eat anything." Zyliah said and rushed upstairs, but not before Rupert saw her tears.
"What's going on dad? What did you do?" Rupert asked his dad in an authoritative voice. He hated when his sister cried.
"It's nothing Rupert. Get me some food. Now." His dad said, his words slurring a little.
"Dad, are you drunk?" Rupert asked, backing up a little, scared.
"Did I tell you to ask questions? No. Get me some food." His dad said, in a drunk - angry way.
"Dad, go to your room and sleep this off. You're going to regret this." Rupert said, scared but with a still, hard voice.
"How dare you?!" His father yelled. "Come here, you bastard!" He got up and stalked towards Rupert. Just as good fist rose in the air to punch his son, the doorbell rang. Rupert ducked under his father's arm and rushed to the door. There stood Kyle, Mary and their parents are the door with four bags.
"Hi Rup! 'Sup?" Kyle said, going inside. "Hey Mr. Ryder. How are you? Where Zyliah? Zee!" He looked around for Zyliah and her dad.
"Marco? What's wrong? Why do you look li-"
Kyle's dad, Robb, started to question him about his appearance when he was cut off by Marco shouting, "Get the fuck out of my house! You-" he said, pointing to Rupert who was half hidden behind Robb- "Get in the kitchen and make me food while I get your worthless sister down here. And you all, get out of the fucking place! I am going upstairs and by the time I get downstairs, I want you all to be gone." Marco said, more like shouted, and started going towards the stairs.
"NOOOO!!" Rupert shouted and ran in front of his father. "I'm not going to let you do anything to Zyliah!" He said and started blocking his way, thanks to his basketball skills, he was good.
"A little help would be hugely appreciated, thank you." He said to the family standing there, stunned at what was happening.
Robb then realised that he had to do something. He rushed to Marco and slammed him down on his back. He was into fighting when he was young and also was more muscular than Marco. He held him down while Suzy rushed to get water from the kitchen.
Robb lightly slapped Marco saying, "What are you doing? Wake up and see what you've done! Come on, let's get you to bed."
Suzy came out with a bottle of cold water and dumped it all on Marco's head.
"What the fuck woman? Get the hell out of my house!" He shouted, pissed off.
"Oh, you did not just say that." Suzy said threateningly. She pulled Marco up by his collar and punched him in his face, hard. So hard that he hit his head on the floor and passed out.
"Aww shit!" Suzy said, clutching her hand in her other hand. "I'm out of practise."
They both hauled Marco up and started up the stairs to his room.
Upstairs, Zyliah was in her room, in a corner with her knees close to get chest, sobbing. She got up and took out her blade, sliding it across her forearm. Not once but more than 10 times. In just a few seconds her arm was dripping blood on her floor. Just as she realized she wasn't in her bathroom and the door was open, and a commotion was going on downstairs, Kyle walked into her room.
He switched on the lights and when he saw Zyliah in the condition she was in, he rushed over to her side.
"Wha... Why? How? You know what, come on, let's get you cleaned up." He said with a hurt and disappointed look on his face and picked Zyliah up bridal style. He was quite strong and Zyliah wasn't heavy so it wasn't a problem. He took her to her bathroom and set her on the counter.
"Where is the medicine kit?" He asked, curtly.
"The shelf beside the drawers. Listen, I'll tell you all about this later, please just say something." Zyliah answered with a pleading tone and face.
Kyle took the medicine kit out and looked at Zyliah. He ran a hand over his face and through his hair.
"I really don't know what to say. Just, let me clean you up. We'll talk later." Kyle said, taking out the alcohol and cotton. He softly cleaned her wounds up and patched them.
He cleaned up the mess in the bathroom and in Zyliah's room. By then, Marco was put into bed with a note on the bedside table which said that Rupert and Zyliah would be living with Suzy and Robb for the next week.
They called for the kids to come down.
Rupert and Mary came out of his room. Mary had been calming him down and just listening to him vent. They went down with one more bag of Rupert's.
Kyle asked for a few more minutes and packed a bag for Zyliah. He found a suitcase in her closet and filled it with a few more pairs of jeans and loads of shirts and a pair of shoes. Zyliah entered after a few minutes and packed her underwear. They then went downstairs, still not having talked other than a few words.
"Let's get you safe." Suzy said, one arm hugging Zyliah and then going to the car.
The four sat in the car and drove off.
Wassup peeps?!
I'm back. Sorry for taking so long to update and all but I've been busy.
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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2017 ⏰

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