Prologue: There's Been an Accident

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"Are you ready for auditions yet?"

We were walking to band and my friend Drew and I were talking about the honors band auditions that were later that week, we were both trying out. I played clarinet while Drew played trombone.

"No! I still need to practice my scales and the jazz piece!" I replied,

"You'll do fine! Have you asked your parents about the party yet?" Drew asked,

I had completely forgotten to ask about the Halloween party my friends and I wanted to through. "Oh no! I completely forgot! Here, I'll just text them now," I replied taking my phone out of my pocket, "there, I just texted my mom."

"Good, we might actually be able to pull this off!" Drew said as we walked into the band room to our seats. Once Ms. Clemens stepped up on the platform to get our attention and everyone started to quiet down we started our scales and then our pieces for the winter concert in December. But right in the middle of Varsity Valor, two police officers and the guidance counslor, Mrs. Griffin walked into the band room.

"Can we see Starla Jackson for a minute?" One of the officers asked,

Ms. Clemens noded to me and I stood up out of my row, set down my clarinet, and walked into the small room in between the band room and the hallway.

"Starla Jackson? I'm Officer Stauder, and this is Officer Taylor," the man said,

"I'm afraid there's been an accident," the woman, officer Taylor, said, "I'm afraid your mother's been in a car crash, she was texting and driving and ran a red light, she was hit by a pickup truck on-"

Before she could finish I burst in, "Is she okay?" They looked at eachother with sad eyes, "I said, is my mom okay?" I repeated.

"I'm afraid not," Officer Stauder replied, "When the truck hit she died on impact, there was nothing we could do."

The officers and Mrs. Griffin continued to talk but I barely noticed, I could feel hot tears running down my cheeks, I felt numb. As if I had no feelings but the pain and guilt in my heart.

"It's my fault." I whispered more to myself then anyone. Luckily no one heard, "Thank you for telling me," I soon found my voice, though it sounded choked and was shaking, "can I go back to class now?" I asked.

"Of course, dear." Mrs. Griffin replied, seemingly surprised that I would want to. I headed back to my seat, tears in my eyes, as soon as she said okay. My friends gave me looks of concern and Sammy asked what everyone wanted to know, "What happened?"

Jake, Anna, Kora, and Drew nodded in agreement and looked at me expectantly from their seats around the room. "My mom's dead." I replied.

Their eyes grew wide and they gasped. I couldn't blame them for being surprised, my mother was in perfect health before the accident. I guess anything can happen, huh?

**Hey guys! Sorry for the short first chapter, gets way more interesting and it goes on but just a warning it does get violent and crazy later on and I am just making this up as I go. The guys come into the story in a few chapters when Starla's life gets really bad, sorry I'm only including the four of them in this story but it wouldn't be a very good story if I included all the guys.


Thanks guys and I'll see you soon! Love you all and thanks for reading!! I will be posting as much as possible!!!!!!!! BIEEEE! <3 <3 <3 <3 :D :D :D :D

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