Chapter 1: Changes

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^Starla's P.O.V.^

It had been 6 months since the funeral, I had gone back to school the day after but my dad had yet to go back to work. He wasn't coping well, and neither was I for that matter. I had quit horseback riding and, other than to go to school, I didn't often leave the house. My dad on the other hand was only in the house from around 7pm to 11pm and was drunk during that time so I could safely assume he had been going to bars when he wasn't home.

At school the only friends I had left were Sammy, Drew, Anna, Kyra, and Jake. The others ditched me once Amber, Carrie, and the other popular cheyennes started hating on me. With my dad coming home every day drunk and mad as heck if I didn't have everything exactly as he wanted it, which I usually didn't.

I know I probably should have run away but he's my dad, and no matter how many bruises he gives me or names he calls me he will always be my dad, I can't leave my dad. Besides, he would find me even if I did run away so there would't be a point anyways.

Back to present time though, it's April 21st and school gets out in 5 weeks. There's pro's and con's to this but I'm excited none the less. I won't ever have to see Amber again at least because I'm not going to high school, my dad is making me drop out and no one else knows yet.


Whoa, oh oh oh oh whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh

Whoa oh oh oh oh whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh

Play the lotto you might win it

It's like 25 for life so you bust out of prison

Something's in the air, something's in the - SMACK!

I turned off my alarm, which played my favorite song Something Big by Shawn Mendes, and jumped out of bed getting ready for school. I pulled out a pair of blue jeans, a baby blue t-shirt, and some vans Kyra lent me, and ran out the door grabbing my backpack and an apple on the way out. I made it to the bus stop just as it pulled up and got on sitting in my usual spot next to Kyra, my best friend (picture up top).

"What did he do this time?" Kyra was the only one to know about my dad's drinking and 'anger issues' and she asked me about it every day on the bus.

"Kick to the stomach and a bruise on my arm, no big deal."

"Yes it is Starla! Do you want to come stay with me a few days?"

"Do you remember last time we tried that? It got worse!" I replied, and it was true. What I didn't tell Kyra was that I hadn't eaten in 3 days and that he had started to bring home 'friends' and when he did he would show off. One time a bit too much for me.

We arrived at school and got off the bus ready to face Amber and her minions.

*time skip past school*

I walked in the door of my house to see my father and two other men standing in the living room.

"We've been waiting for you Starla," My father said, "I think it's time you learned a little lesson about who's boss in this household. You've become very rebellious since your mother passed and I think it's time we changed that."

The three men walked towards me with creepy evil grins on their face and rope in their hands, I knew what was going to happen and I did the one thing I could do. Scream.

^Kyra's P.O.V.^

I walked into my room and grabbed my phone out of my backpack to check my instagram page. I was more specifically checking my DMs because, little did Starla know, I had DMed Nash Grier a few weeks ago asking if he would come see Starla and cheer her up when he was in St. Louis next because we were big fans and she could use a good surprise for once. I opened the page and saw a notification saying someone had DMed me. I quickly checked my inbox and saw that Nash had DMed me back, I freaked out and started reading the message.

From Nash: I would love to stop by! I'm in St. Louis on April 21st through May 10th and if you could meet me by the Arch on the 22nd we could stop by your friend's house then. I can bring Hayes, Shawn, and Cameron too if thats okay. If you wouldn't mind telling me, why does she need cheering up this badly, is she in the hospital or something?

From Kyra: I can't thank you enough Nash! If you want to bring Hayes, Shawn, and Cameron that would be even amazinger! I don't think that's a word but oh well, it is now! I can meet you under the Arch at 2:45pm on the 22nd if that's good for you. I wish I could tell you more about why Starla needs cheering up but I told her I wouldn't tell anything no matter what, I will tell you this though, 6 months ago in October her mom was in a car accident and she didn't make it, Starla thinks it's her fault because she had texted her at the time of the accident and her mom was texting and driving when she died. Her dad is crazy! He used to be this awesome, cool dad but he started drinking soon after the funeral. I think you can see where this is going and I can't say anymore so yeah. Thank you again, you have no idea how much this will mean to Starla! <3

From Nash: It's no problem Kyra! Hayes, Shawn, and Cameron will be there and 2:45 is great for us. I'm sorry about Starla's mom, and I get why you can't say anymore. I do understand where that was going and I really wish there was something more you and I could do. I'll see you with the guys under the Arch. See you then! :)

From Kyra: See you then :)

Starla is going to be so happy!!

^Nash's P.O.V.^

I couldn't wait to meet Kyra and Starla! Kyra was a really good friend to do something like this for her best friend. I feel bad that I couldn't do more than just visit for now but Kyra said it would help so at least I was helping some. I called the guys into my hotel room to tell them about Kyra and Starla.

"This girl, Kyra, DMed me on Instagram asking if I would visit her best friend, Starla, in St. Louis while we're here next and said that Starla really needed a good surprise for once so I agreed to meeting Them and I was wondering if you guys wanted to come with me?" The guys just nodded with small smiles on their faces.

"Why does Starla need a good surprise?" Hayes asked, I frowned and started explaining what Kyra had and hadn't told me. When I finished the guys just had shocked looks on their faces and after a minute or two they nodded and walked out of the room.

**Hey guys! New P.O.V.'s! Tell me what you think! Who do you ship?Narla(Nash&Starla)? Carla(Cameron&Starla)? Sharla(Shawn&Starla)? Stayes(Hayes&Starla)? Comment and tell me who you want together in the story!! Love ya! See you in the story and in the videos!!


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