Chapter 2: Surprise!

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^Kyra's P.O.V.^

As I walked through the park area around the Gateway Arch 4 guys came into view. As I got closer I could make out the faces of Hayes, Nash, Shawn, and Cameron, it took all I had to not start fangirling. When they spotted me the guys started walking up to me with smiles on their faces, when we reached eachother I let out a tiny squeal. They laughed and came over and hugged me!

"You obviously know who we are, and you've got to be Kyra right?" Cameron asked, I nodded and said, "It's really awesome to be meeting you! If you want we could start heading over to Starla's?" They nodded and we started walking to the parking lot to their car.

"You want to ride with us?" Nash asked seeing I didn't have a car,

"If you don't mind," I replied, "I don't have my license yet." He just nodded motioning for me to get in the front seat. I got in and started directing Cameron, who was driving, to Starla's house.

^Starla's P.O.V.^

I got out of bed bruised, tired, and sore. If you hadn't guessed already, my father and the men from yesterday had raped me and taken my virginity. I had never felt so ashamed and vulnerable. Luckily my father and the men had left after untieing me yesterday and hadn't come back because it was 3:27pm. I had slept ALL DAY! I hadn't done any chores, my dad was going to kill me! Maybe literally....

I jumped up and got dressed in a pair of yellow tweety bird sweat pants and a purple cheshire cat t-shirt, and started to clean.

"Knock Knock-ity Knock Knock!" I heard Kyra at the front door and sprinted over, opened the door, and gave her a bear hug.

"Woah! What's up?" Kyra asked. I pulled away and she saw my face.

"Oh my god," Her eyes widened and her face went from pale in surprise, to red in worry, to purple in anger, "What the hell did your dad do!?!"

I jumped at the volume and anger in her voice, and replied. "He brought home friends last night," I said starting to tear up, "He said that I had become rebelious since mom died, and I needed to learn dicipline, the other men walked towards me with rope -" I was crying now, "-they tied me up and I screamed for a second before dad covered my mouth with his hand, they ripped off my clothes and-" I started sobbing,"- it was so horrible Kyra!" I sobbed and fell into her arms again. She hugged me and we sat down on the front steps, we were both sobbing loudly now and I had no idea how long we stayed there before she let go.

^Nash's P.O.V.^

When I heard what her father did to her I couldn't believe how he could do that to his own daughter! It's sick! When the girls started crying I have to admit, they weren't the only ones. The four of us were too.

^Cameron's P.O.V.^

When I heard what Kyra told Nash I never expected it would be this bad! Starla was raped by her dad and two strangers, I can't even begin to imagine how that must feel! I'm crying and I'm just listning about it!

^Shawn's P.O.V.^

When Starla started sobbing into Kyra after telling her what happened you could tell we were all thinking 'How sick is that?' I mean she's 14! Besides she doesn't seem to be rebelious, and from what Kyra told us it's Starla's dad that became rebelious! I mean how could someone do that to such a innocent pretty girl! Wait, what?

^Hayes' P.O.V.^

It was surprising, I mean we knew her dad was beating her but raping her? Who the hell does that to their 14 year old daughter!?!

^Kyra's P.O.V.^

When I pulled away I looked over to where Nash, Hayes, Shawn, and Cameron were hiding to surprise Starla and saw that they were all crying. I waved the boys over and looked at Starla, "I have a surprise for you! This may not be the best time but, a few weeks ago I DMed Nash Grier asking if he, Hayes, Shawn, and Cameron would come visit you, and he replied. Starla's red eyes widened and I nodded. She looked to the front yard and her eyes widened even more if that's possible as she looked at the boy's tear stained faces. They smiled sadly at her and walked over to hug her, she smiled a smile that I don't think anyone has seen since before her mom died.

^Starla's P.O.V.^

I couldn't believe that Nash Greir, Cameron Dallas, Shawn Mendes, and Hayes Greir were on my front porch hugging me! It was the best thing that happened to me since before mom died. When we stopped hugging and I stopped thanking the five of them we just sat on the porch steps and talked for an hour and a half. It felt like we knew eachother before that time we talked, it was great! For the first time in a while, I was truly happy for a while. Well, until we heard the engine of my dad's old truck start pulling in the driveway.

"Oh god, my dad's home," I panicked, "You five need to hide, now! In the bushes!" Kyra and the guys scrambled off the porch and out of my father's view just as he got out of the old rusty red truck. My dad spotted me and his eyes got wide and his face a deep red in anger.

"What the hell are you doing out of the house bitch?" He yelled as he quickly walked towards me, his fist balled up and rope in his left hand.

"I was-" I started,

"Did I give you permission to speak slut?" Dad yelled in my face before grabbing my hair and throwing me to the ground.

"I'm sorry sir! OW!" I cried out in pain as he started kicking me before grabbing my hair again and throwing me against the wall next to the bushes where Kyra, Hayes, Shawn, Nash, and Cam were hiding. I made eye contact with Shawn and gave him a pleading look trying to tell him to stay hidden with the others before my father started punching me again and I closed my eyes in hopes not to have to look into the eyes of the man who used to be my loving hilarious dad.

"Look me in the eyes bitch! I want to see the pain in your eyes as I hurt you!" My father said,

"NO! I will not look into the eyes of a man I no longer know, a man who used to be my dad, but is now a man who beats me daily and made me into his servant and insults me every day and a man who raped me! No. I will not look you in the eyes, you don't deserve the satisfaction of knowing how much pain you've caused me." I told him. He was stunned for a second and so was I, I had never stood up to him before, it didn't last long though. He slapped me and replied "I would think you learned your lesson from yesterday whore! I guess I'll just need to teach you again." My eyes widened as I screamed. He was going to rape me again and I didn't want that to happen. I looked to Kyra, Hayes, Cameron, Nash, and Shawn for help as my father started tying me up and ripping my clothes and Shawn, Nash, and Cameron stood up and pulled him off me and knocked him out while Hayes and Kyra untied me and helped me up. Since My shirt was ripped to pieces Kyra had run in the house with me so I could change. When we got inside I put on a green chevron shirt and blue jeans and we headed back outside.

When me and Kyra walked out and Shawn and Cam were talking over in the front yard, Hayes was sitting on the porch steps talking on his phone, and Nash was pacing back and forth on the porch.

"You're gonna make me dizzier if you keep pacing Nash," I told him and he and Hayes looked up. Nash ran to me and hugged me tightly, and I hugged back as I started crying in his shoulder.

When we pulled away Hayes came up and hugged me as well, then Cameron, and then Shawn.

When we were done hugging the realization hit us that I wouldn't have a place to stay unless I wanted to stay here and get killed.

"You can stay with us at the hotel if you want while you figure it out?" Shawn asked, as soon as I figured out what he was asking a big smile grew on my face,
"Are you sure I wouldn't be a bother?" I asked,
"Of course not! We want you to come stay with us!" Nash replied, I agreed soon and we headed back to the hotel after packing some of my clothes and dropping Kyra off at her house.

I guess good things can happen even when you think you've hit rock bottom.

Can we say 3 votes and 4 comments for the next chappie? I have writers block but if you wanted to give me any ideas they would be very welcome! I'm looking to introduce some new characters so if you would like to be in the story send me some info about what you want your character to be an look like! Go read my friend's story and follow her, she's amazing and WILL appear in the story! Blue123584 is amazing!!!

A Life Saved, A Love FoundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora