Green Dragon's Deck

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Yusei had forced me to sit down on my runner after the unnatural episode.

"I told you I'm fine!" I insisted, dragging out my words but I wasn't trying to be harsh at him in the least.

I was fine, at least, at a physical level but I really wasnt sure about the mental. I was pretty shaken up inside, that red light was something I've never seen before let alone see it come from my own chest. And the dragon, the one that was on the screen at the tornament. Did that dragon have something to do with it?

"Didnt look like it to us." Nervin muttered in his little trio though I still heard. My eyes instantly shot him a death glare which made him take a step back along with Blitz and Hank. I smug grin was mentally present as I saw them submit.

Thats right, boys. Be afraid, be very afraid.

"Not helping!" I seethed quietly through gritted teeth.

"Hes right, Skylar. That wasnt something little from what I saw." Yusei pitched off the side from them.

That was when the announcer from the television echoed through the small subway once again. "Mr. Atlas? Can we get a word?" Of course there was more to that interview but I decided to drown it out. No need for another re-happening of that incident. 

When he made sure I was balanced on my runner, Yusei slowly walked back to his own. A serpent of black smoke emanating from the engine.


"Umm, Yusei? What happened to your runner?"

His eyes dropped a little in light as he looked at the same machine I was. He had unscrewed the chip port from his runner and pulled out the small device that was completely burnt to a crisp. "It was the new acceleration chip." He informed, throwing away the useless piece of technology and knelt to his computer to plug it into his runner.

Of course! the new modifications I made must have overpowered the chip. Yusei needs to upgrade to a chip with a higher tolerance to the speed friction. 

"Did it work?" Nervin asked excitedly.

Did he really just ask that? The runner is smoking and he thinks theres a chance it worked? Geez, he can kiss his common sense goodbye.

"Does it look like it worked, Nervin?" Blitz backfired angrily. I stifled a laugh as Blitz became the essence of my own thoughts.

"Oh, you're probably right." A grin flexed across my lips at his realization. "But hey, his runner looked really good on the TV-Ouch!" Tank cried as Blitz nudged him pretty good in his side. He gave him a death glare that told him to be quiet if he knew what was good for him.

My brows furrowed as I turned my gaze to Yusei, looking for an answer as to what they meant. He was squatting down next to his runner when he noticed my expression. And when he did, he couldnt hold contact for long.

"Jack Atlas.......used to be my friend." The volume in his voice decreased to a disappointed whisper. He obvious didn't like to recap of what happened between them. My face put on a frown at him. My mother would always tell me how her old friends used to do everything together and the day I made my own, I would have to learn to accept them and stay by their sides through thick and thin. I guess that means Yusei is included in that now, along with the other boys.

"So much of a friend he turned out to be," Blitz spat crossing his arms and turning his head up and slightly away as he reminisced. "He back stabbed Yusei by highjacking his first runner he worked hard to build, stole his most prized card, then left us all for New Domino City!"

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