Stop & brace the rose

704 13 7

The sound of metal clanking and jumbling together shocked me to a worrisome awakening. My consciousness wasn't used to waking up with company, so the fact that my first thought was that I had an intruder in my house sent me siting up with wide eyes in a moments notice.

The blurry surroundings quickly began to clear with a few bats of my lids to see a face illuminated by the light of the morning rays. And just as quick, I recalled all my recent happenings back into play.

"Oh, Yusei, good morning." I murmured in a raspy tone.
Seeing him relaxed my brief adrenaline rush, allowing me to preform some weird stretching maneuvers to relieve some of the stiffness from the couch I had dozed on. The sunlight coming through the high-positioned window let me know it was still relatively early in the day. The fortune cup wouldn't start for a while.

"'Morning, Sky. Sorry 'bout that, didn't mean to wake you." His body was just leaning over the dash of his runner, going through its schematics, mechanics and such. Even some of the runner had been pulled away so he could dig deeper into its core.

A playful smile spread across my lips as I eyed the tools in Yusei's hands then glancing back up to his sparkling hues. "Its okay. Call it revenge for Blisters barrage on your door last night."

Yusei chuckled. "I can accept that. Hey, would you mind helping me check over some things? I want to make sure shes up and running properly before I take her to the tournament." His hand patted over the frame of the vehicle lovingly.

That didn't sound like a bad idea. Plus, it would be a good time to go over my own runner as well to make sure she was all spick and span. If I was gonna fight for my friends freedom, I needed to be ready in all forms. So with a quick jump to my feet, a master braid of my hair and a agile walk toward the pair of runners, I replied with elated anticipation. "Absolutely."

Little was neither Yusei nor I expecting that I would completely take over. One minute I was on the opposite side of his runner, a laptop in hand and codes flowing from the screen to my brain in milliseconds. Next I'm ribs deep in his dash, reconfiguring the duel disk display function and once again testing the rotation of his tires with his accelerator chip.

"I've never seen this brand before."

Tuning back into reality by the sound of Yusei's voice, I had realized he had turned on the radio and songs gently carried through the room to fill the comfortable silence from my work. I then glanced over the vehicle to see that he took the opportunity to check over my runner while I was completing his.

Usually if I had even thought about someone else's hands on such a treasure to me, I would grow furious. However, seeing Yusei cautiously yet professionally scan over its aspects and punching buttons on its dash didn't bother me in the least. In fact, I was appreciative for it.

The system was almost done anyways so I distanced myself from the Red Runner's frame while wiping my forehead. "Like what you see?" I teased with a grin. 

His actions halted by my interruption. Sapphire eyes quickly looked back up to my red ones with a questionable expression. One that cause a brow to lift on my own face. "Where did you find the parts for your runner, Sky? I've never seen anything like these on the Satellite."

His question threw me off. My chest suddenly felt heavy at the memories that came with that question. Our gazes quickly separated and I found myself filling the building awkwardness with the completion of my side project. "I-uh- didnt...make my runner like you did. My mom gave it to me. After," I sigh, then a click of a piece returning to its proper place. "She died."

Her death had seemed so recent yet so long ago at the same time. Every time I thought about her after she passed, I tried to think of how happy we lived in the Satellite. But over the last few years, I've realized I've truly been alone and it hurt to think I could stay that way. I missed her more than anything.

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