Seeing Red

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"I need you to lay low and stay outta sight for a little bit."

Yusei and I had just escaped the tunnel and had experienced our first breaths in the air of New Domino city. And within the mere seconds of our freedom, my eyes were starstruck at the lights and beauty of the area. Buildings that actually stood tall with solid structure. Sounds of a healthy and functioning society. It all blended so well with the glisten of the dazzling night sky. I was so entranced, I almost missed Yusei's call to pull over.

So now, as we rested to the far side of an old road where we had a low chance of being found, I stared back at said teen with pure disbelief. "....Come again?"

Yusei was steady on his runner just beside me, his lenses pushed back up to reveal his bright hues underneath and pieces of his slick black hair. His lips were pressed together tensely and his gaze rested just onward for a moment before turning towards myself.

My body reacted on its own. The pulse of irritation erecting my back along with a cross of my arms. The hum of my ignited engine vibrated quietly below me but the stand had been kicked to keep the weight stable. My actions had showed my position on his idea quite clearly.

Yusei pressed on in a vocally calm manor. But his eyes glassed in a deep concern and seriousness. "Listen, Skylar, Trudge coming after us tonight wasn't by mere coincidence."

"Of course it wasn't." I replied, reading his aura to steady my own. "He used the chip in your duel runner." My sight briefly darted to Yusei's runner in reminder of that damned object. I had a personal note to check on it again when I got the chance.

"But thats not all of it. Frankly, Sector security doesn't the intelligence to pull off something that extensive. Some one helped them. And I think it was Jack."

What small humor I would have gotten from Yusei's discrete insult against the law was quickly replaced with sharp gasp through my lips. He was right. It made sense. Trudge and his men have always been the 'hit hard and fast' type. Taking the time to place a highly rare and valuable accelerator chip in the satellite and have it get to Yusei with a tracking system on it was a plan that went deeper than any of the minds in that precinct. 

"He wants to meet me, Skylar. And if I know anything about Jack Atlas, its that he likes to make an entrance. I'll go ahead to make sure he didn't pull any tricks. I wont let you be caught up in our mayhem."

I could already tell there was no use in arguing. Plus, I knew it wasn't my place to get in between this grudge that had been brewing for years. Yusei needed to confront Jack and my presence would no doubt be a nuisance to someone as high and mighty as the 'Master of Faster'. Right now, I was baggage to Yusei and I dont intend to weigh him down.

So, with a sigh of defeat through a moderate grin, I nodded. "Fine, I'll stay back. But I'm sure as hell not leaving you alone with him. We came here together, Yusei, and no matter what lies ahead, we'll stay that way."

Yusei revealed his pearly whites in a mirth smile. "Thank you, Sky."

The gratitude was brushed off respectfully with a wave of my hand. "Anytime. Now go get that card of yours back from that douche."

Yusei let out a curt chortle, his lenses falling back over his irises and his figure repositioning comfortably on his runner. "You got it. Just be careful not to fall too far behind."

The bit of mischief underlying his last words caused me to retort in the same manor. My face turning up a bit and my eyes narrowing playfully under my helmet. "The fact you even think you can lose me is hysterical, Fudo."

In a seconds notice with a stretching grin still on his face, Yusei took off down the road once again. And in seeing the way his bright red runner glistened under the many rays of light coming from all angles, I chuckled to myself. There was no possible way to lose sight something that prominent....not like he would let me anyways. He didn't exactly take the subtle approach. I could easily see the glances he would take to look back and make sure I was still on his trail. A far enough distance to still see me yet I maintained a speed that kept my runner nearly silent.

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