The Strange Boy

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It was the start of an ordinary day, but today was different...because today was my 15th birthday, but before I knew it today would change my life and my sibling's lives for the better. Well to start off, my family owns a shrine with a "haunted well" as my little brother Zachary likes to call it. Zachary is my adorable, 12 year old little brother, he's shy when you first meet him but when you get to know him he's pretty talkative. My older sister Isabel, is 17 years old , two years older than me , is caring,sweet and all you could think of for an older sister, but there is one catch she's very overprotective, not like that's a bad or anything. My mom seems like a very caring, hard-working parent to other people but to me and my siblings she's the devil,don't even get me started on what she does to me. My grandfather Cyrus, is a very caring,ambitious, person but he loves to tell my siblings and I the "legends" of the shrine. Let me tell you I didn't believe in them one bit until today.

Your Pov

I was going to head to school when I saw Zachary near the well. I walked over and said "Zachary, you now we're not allowed to play over here." He replied "I'm not it's Bella ." I hear Bella "Meow" from inside of the shrine, so I walked into the shrine with Zachary following me in. I asked "Are you going to get Bella or not?" as he was standing next to me. He said "Y-Yeah." shakily. He didn't move any further, so I said "I'll get her." while walking down the stairs, to the well. I then felt something on my leg and I screamed scaring Zachary, I looked down just to see Bella rubbing against my leg. I grabbed her when Zachary said "Who's the scaredy cat now?"with a small smirk on his face. I said "Says the person too scared to walk down the stairs." Zachary then stuck his tongue out at me , I then stuck my tongue out back at him. Right after I was grabbed by the arm, making me scream and drop Bella as I was pulled into the well. The monster who had grabbed my arm said "Give me the Shikon Jewel." I said "Give you what?" before screaming "Let go of me!" while pushing her off of me without realizing I had pushed her off, leaving her arm still holding onto mine. I then showed up at the bottom of the well, I then looked at my arm feeling something on it finally seeing the monster's arm still on me, I screamed and threw it to the ground. I shouted" Zachary, go get grandpa!" I waited a few minutes before climbing out, after I had reached the top I realized there was nothing above my head. I said " I don't think I'm in Tokyo anymore." while walking down the small hill before seeing the thousand year old tree. I said "That's got to mean I'm almost home." while running towards it.After a few minutes I reached the tree looking up to see a boy stuck on the tree. I climbed the vines to get a better look at him, after I reached him I saw he had ears and I couldn't resist the urge to pet them. That's before I was taken to a village being mistaken for a demon. I thought "What a strange boy." while thinking back to the boy on the tree.

I don't own Inuyasha, you, or the pictures I use.
I hope you enjoyed it!

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