The In List

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Everyone has something they wish they could change about themselves. Especially girls. For Charlotte, she wanted to be prettier. For Allie, she wanted to be skinnier. For Delli, she wanted the guys to like her. For me, Monica, well, I just wanted to fit in. We were a group of best friends. Very similar to many other quads. We would all have a sleepover practically every weekend. Over the summer we all LIVED in Allie’s house (her family was rich and had a three story house!) During the other seasons, it was a different house every time. But nobody ever really wanted to come to my house. Even if they did, none of their parents would let them. They never seemed to like me and they always assumed they needed to drive me home. Yeah, my dad is always at work and yeah, my mom left us when I was 4, but I’m not a charity case, even if they are offering. I started telling the moms that my dad was picking me up, but he was going to pick me up at the 7/11 across the street because I wanted to get something. I played this about once a week. Other days I would walk home before the parents got home that way they would think that I had a ride, and that someone cared. If I ever got the opportunity to change something about myself, I would make it that someone was there when I got home from school. I would pick that over anything.

Ailiya Bringward’s wish would be to lose 40 pounds, even though she is average weight now and complains for no reason. It’s like she wants us to feel bad about ourselves. I almost want to say to her ‘If you’re fat, what does that make me?’ but of course she always calls all of us twigs even though she is obviously smaller than most of us. All she does is complain, complain, and complain. If she wants to pity herself, fine. But if she does pity herself so much, why should I have to too?

Charlotte Beater’s wish is similar to Allie’s. The difference was that Charlotte wasn’t about the weight, just the look. Also, Charlotte wasn’t very annoying. I mean yeah, she called herself ugly all the time, which upset me because she is a very pretty girl. She has had 4 boyfriends which beats all of our records. We aren’t necessarily the best liked in school, but we have friends. Anyway, Charlotte just put herself down all the time and it was very upsetting to watch. Every day she would put pounds of makeup on her face to change it because she thought it looked good. None of us had the heart to tell her she looked ridiculous.

Adella Rither’s wish would be to make all the guys in the school fall head over heels for her. Oh, how much fun she would have actually having to make a selection on a guy. Like renting a movie. Delli was obsessed with getting a boyfriend. She would go out with any guy that had somewhat of an interest in her. She really is a wonderful girl, but she’s too quiet. Nobody knows who she is. Our school is also quite small, and limiting herself to finding the "perfect guy" in our school would be tough.

All of our insecurities are different. But we did all share one common desire. We all wanted to be popular. A popular girl who comes to school every day dressed like a Barbie doll. She has all the right clothes and by the time she wears it a second time you won’t remember the first time. All the guys will circle around her like they are her love slaves. They all want to be with her. No matter how slutty that sounds, you have to admit it does sound pretty luxurious. I know I would love it.

During our sleepovers, when Allie wasn’t exercising, Charlotte wasn’t piling on makeup, Delli wasn’t looking through the yearbooks doing what she liked to call "shopping" and I wasn’t in deep,

depressing thought, we would talk about how we wanted to be popular. The boys, the looks, the money, the clothes, the fame, the friends, and the parties. We wanted it. We really wanted it. We hated every popular girl, just because we weren’t them. But at the same time, we wanted to be them. Our insecurities brought us to the biggest mistake of our lives. The In-list was made.

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