Chapter 4

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I sat on the edge of my bed, a warm wash cloth practially stapled to my fore head, it was so sticky and hot and gross it stuck there like glue. Monica had texted me that she needed to talk to me, so she was going to ditch second period, and I shouldn't even bother to come to school, because then I would just come in late to leave. I didn't nessiscarily want to miss, I had a latin test that day, and I was on the honor roll. but I had to do what Monica said. Otherwise she would throw one of her famous hissy fits.

It was 9:02 when Igot a video chat request from her, and I clicked accept. She was sitting on her couch in her room, tears welling in her eyes. but the face she had on, was not the face of sadness, it was the face of anger. And she had a smile on her lips. She had a plan.

After about ten minutes of her story, she concluded with, "And then she got all up in my face and called ME the lesbian, and that I was probabbly in love with all of you guys. And I am NOT lying about that"

Sometimes I feel like the group is one step away from leaving me. I'm always the last to hear about things, and a lot of times I hear all of them whispering things, like inside jokes. and when I try to ask them what happened, they shake me off, and tell me I had to be there. I guess I was the only one who didn't think Char was a lesbian. I mean, shes not the lesbo type. but if she liked Monica, I guess we had to get her back, according to Monica.

"What are we going to do then?"

"Nothing to her. But we're taking her idea, and we're going to make her straight. Lesbians will make us look bad. So tomorrow night, you guys are sleeping over my house. My dad wont be home, and were making the list. And you know what the first thing thats going to be on the list? House party."

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