chapter 10

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i woke up in my backyard, a beer bottle nearly inches away from my hand. I dont remember drinking a lot, but i guess i must have because i couldn't remember anything that happened last night. i sat up and rubbed my head, which i now noticed, throbbed like a bitch. 

      i out my gross hair up in a sloppy ponytail, and tried to think about last night. i remember being upset about something, but i couldnt remember what. i think maybe someone broke something? but i remember being sad, and then a boy coming in, and making me feel better. i just dont remember how. 

   After sitting there and investigating my body, to check for any other injuries i might not be aware of, i stood up, brushed off my shoulders, and walked torwards the house. i plastered a big pretty smile on my face,  pretended that my head wasn't beating like a drum,  and walked in with a slight jump in my step. I was Monica after all, and nothing could hurt me.

   The first person i saw was Allie, and she looked like she got ran over by a train. multiple times.  i walked over to her, and bumped her hip with mine.

"Morning, sunshine!" i say, kind of sarcastic.

she bites her lip, then holds up a dirty condom.

"look what i found in your dads room!" 

i look at it, then pause. i remember walking in on someone in my dads room, but for some reason, i didn't get mad..

and then it hit me.

I didn't get mad, because it was Allie in my dads room.

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