Chapter 11

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(A.N. HI! alexis here! just gonna straighten some things out here. Me and Kara are writing this story together. We switch back and forth between chapters. I write the odd ones and she writes the evens. We hope you have been enjoying our book! Feedback is appreciated! But only the good kind ;)  -Alexis)


I opened my eyes and was suprised to find myself on the floor of my room. I was sleeping right next to the bed, but not on it. I used to sleep walk when I was little, but I haven't in over 6 years. After getting over my confusion, I was overwhelmed by the pounding in my head. I've never had a headache that hit me so hard. I know it's from the party last night. What was I drinking? Who was I drinking with? What happened? I don't know. Afterall, whatever cause this kind of heaache must as been strong stuff. I was completely fucked up.

Attempting to remember last night was getting me nowhere, so I decided that getting a drink of water would help. I leaned up and tried to sit up. I was shocked when I was taken over by a sharp pain stretching from my left shoulder to my elbow. I winced in pain as my mind fluttered in panic to think about what happened. After another sharp pain ran through my arm, the puzzle pieces click together and I understood what happened.

You hear people say that they don't believe something because they don't want to. Like they're in denial or something. Well, as much as I don't want to believe this, I do.

This has happened before. Ofcourse, I didn't want for it to happen again. Since day one I didn't want it to happen again. But as time turned I got used to it.

This hasn't happened in such a long time. Not for a few years. Not since I was 12 and a teacher called home asking what the bruises on my arm were from.

Still on the floor, I made my way to my feet. Walking towards the door, I stopped. Did I really want to confront someone about this right now? No. I'm not ready. I need to take time to gather my thoughts. I need to take time to figure out how to do this without getting beat again. I need to think over who I need to talk to and what I'm going to say. I need to remember last night.

I know I came home really late. And I know I was drunk. But I still have some common sense while under the influence. Why didn't I sneak in quieter? Why didn't I get in the same way I have in the past when I broke cerfew? Something happened. Something had to have happened. I was acting differently. Even more than I should considering I was drunk. What was it? Oh god, Charlotte, remember!

Oh my god.


I kissed Monica.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2011 ⏰

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