Chapter 9

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I woke up the next night with a throbbing headache, stomach ache, and not to mention the throw up stains all over the carpet. Not sure if they were mine or not, I looked away so I didn't make more than there already were. 

What happened last night? Why am I in Monica's living room? Why is my shirt on backwards? Why do i now have sidebangs? These are the questions that swam through my mind as i picked myself up to go to the backroom to throw up some more. I felt disgusting throwing up but atleast i got some weight out right? I tripped over a chair on my way to the bathroom and face planted on the floor. I laid there for about 10 minutes because i felt too sick to get up. After gaining the stamina to get up, i immediately dropped to my knees next to the toilet and threw up for 30 minutes. I took a cold shower to make myself feel better and to get the puke out of my hair. I accomplished only one of the two intensions. Completely forgetting I was in Monica's house and not my own, I helped myself into the freezer and got some frozen brocoli and help it to my forhead. I wasn't really ready to go get the others. I still felt like shit and I didn't want the extra noise. Plus, I bet they all felt the same way I do.

I layed down on Monica's expensive leather couch that now had rips and tears in it.  With the frozen greens across my head, I felt a little better. I took the T.V click and decided to relax a little before I had to get up. It went from nice quiet to chaios in the click of a button, literally. Once Channel 3 News with Ronnie Rodriguez came on my head felt like it exploded under my skin. My headache immediately coming back worse than ever, I turned off the T.V and walked upstairs to Monica's room. Nobody was there. I walked into the guest room and found the same. The den, downstairs, the kitchen, even her dad's room. Nobody was in there. I didn't really expect Delli or Charlotte to be here. Heck, I didn't expect me to be here! I shoud really call my mom and tell her I'm sorry I fell asleep at Monica's. It's still early, I can do that later. She'll understand.

Alone in Monica's house, I decided to do some investigations, trying to piece together what exactly happened last night. In Monica's room, i found her teddy bear, the one she's had since practically forever, ripped in two pieces. I doubt that the dumbass who did this to her bear left the house alive. She loved that thing more then anything. It meant something, none of us exactly knew what, she never told us. Delli asked once and Monica replied with a sharp 'Mind your own business.' After that, noone really asked, or even remember it. 

In Monica's Dad's room, there were an empty bottle on the dresser. The bed wasn't made and there were used plates and silver wear ontop of the cabinets. I found one used condom in his  bathrom. Gross. That is so rude of someoen to do that in somene else's house. I mean, me and Kevin hit it off really well. And yeah, we kissed, alot, but it's not like we had sex in Monica's dad's room! That's just nasty! 

Thinking back on last night, that's all i actually remember. Kevin and I were talking and as the night moved on, things picked up. He complimented me and made me feel great! We started kissing which turned into making out. We did this for well over 20 minutes. I don't really remember what happened after that, I was shit-faced drunk. All I know is that I liked it, alot.

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