Chapter 6

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It turns out the door bell was just the stupid Jehova witness people, and no one was here yet. It was 11:00, and the party started at ten. I was honestly worried, but more embaressed. So embaressed my stomach felt like it was tied in a thousand knots. But I was no way in hell going to show that. I was the leader. And I was serious business.

I took the red notebook, and layed it out on the table, pen on top. No one reached for it, and I most certainly was not going to start it, I wasn't that desperate. But again, no one made a move, so I decided to scare them into it. It's how i basically get them to do everyhing for me.

"The notebook is red, symbolized how many tears sweat and blood we have to put into this." Silence. "Okay, everyone. take this needle, and prick your finger with it, and put it on the notebook, so we oficially are bonded together."

After a two minute silence, and several weird glares, Allie finally responded. "What the hell are you talking about Monica!?"

I decided to give up, and go first. I stuck myself with the needle, and let me tell you, it hurt like hell. I squeezed my finger, and dropped it on the notebook, and smeared it in. It hurt ALOT, but I gave them a weak smile, and worked up a lie.

"See? barley hurts!" So they gave me fake smiles, and passed it around, each pricking and pretending it didn't hurt. My girls were so brave.


At 11:50 we got a knock on the door, and what seems like the whole football team came barelling, with a keg the size of mine and Delli's heads put together. They barrelled down the hallway, and put it in the kitchen. and soon after, almost the whole school followed.

At 12:00, the party started, and the house was starting to get trashed. The window curtains were being torn, and the glass figures were starting to be broken. Oh, my dad was going to be PISSED.

At 12:45, things picked up. I was trying to clean up after everyone. The music was very loud, and I was about to loose my mind. Just then, two big jocks came running down the hallway, wearing nothing but toilet paper. I gave up then, whent into the kitchen, and took a shot. I puckered my lips, it tasted like bad ice cream. But I choked it down, and another one. Maybe one more. okay, maybe i had more like 5 shots... in four minutes.

At 1:00, I was walking down the hall, pretty damn drunk out of my mind. But then, a boy came walking over to me, a stuffed bear in his hand. the head, ripped off of his body. That was the teddy bear my father gave me when my mom left. He promised me as long as I had the bear, I had him. Always. I took the bear, and ran into my room, tears welling in my eyes.

"I'm so sorry daddy," I whispered into him, mascara running. When a boy, about my age, walked into my room.

"Oh sorry, i didn't know anyone was in here. I should have kn- oh, hey. Are you crying? awe please don't cry," and he came in my room, and sat next to me. He pulled out a what looks like a wadded up peice of paper, and handed it to me.

"Wanna hit?" he said, passing me the weed.

I nodded, and took a puff. The rest of the party I dont remember.

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