13 ••• What If Not?

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Special Chapter to:

Dawn's Point of View:

"I'd like the usual, Brenda," I said to the cashier—Brenda—and took out a twenty and gave it to her. She smiled and got my late with extra cream, sweet like Tess and two giant choco-vanilla cran berry cookies. 😊😉 "Thank you, bye!" I walked outside and bumped into someone.

For a moment I though I might spill my things, but it was Zack, so he grabbed my late while I had the cookies' bag between my teeth. "Thanks, Zack..." I mumbled with a smile. He nodded and gave my late back. Weird. He would've laughed or something ...

Huh. Whatever.

"How are ya?" He sighed.

"Not as good as you," he admited, "But thank you for asking." I was about to say something, but he walked right past me. Weird. Yet again.

I got to my house just in time to see my mom finish her red lips. Another boyfriend, mama? I asked internally, but with a sigh, I put my stuff down thrust a cookie to her.

"Thanks ya, baby girl," my mom said with a warm smile. I smiled back.

"... So." I began. "Where to, mama?" She shrugged.

"Wanted to go out, I listen from a friend a' mine that there were a little bull riddin'. Them pretty men go there." She sighed. "But I's denied 'er that. I wanna see a movie or two..." Oh. Sorry to miss judge you, mama. I smiled.

"Go on, a new movie's playing I know you'd like." She nodded and left without no hug. What is happening here? I decided to call Tess and tell him if I could come on over. After two and a half calls and ten rings, he answered:

"This is Tess, what'd you want?" Lena answered in a very high pitched voice, great. Not.

"Lena, cut the act, where's your brother?"

"Shees, woman. Take a joke much?" She laughed. "He's out working with dad, that means—"

"I can't come over," I finish for her, I want to scream that I want attention. But instead: "Okay. Tell him I called and kisses and O's." Lena agreed and hung up, but not before I heard her yell 'I can't grow that, I'm not a fish' really loudly.

I laughed and shook my head, still feeling lonely.

Who now? Who do I see now?

I questioned. But 💡! I got my idea quicker than Tombstone the bull could jump Lucas.

"Thanks for meeting up, Zack, I know you said you weren't feeling all that good, but I thought you needed company." I smiled. And he smiled. And we smiled. We were walking down near some of Tess's fields, but close to the street.

Zack had changed into a blue shirt and ripped jeans, and I changed into a pretty sun dresss. Showing off my tattoo of black butterflies around my arm's length. Yeah. That tattoo was a year ago. Great descision, also.

"I get it," Zack said. "You felt lonely." I looked at him mockingly accusing.

"Hey! Not my failt no one wants to be with me today." He laughed a little, and stood closer to me. I sighed. "You know: by biw I'd think you'd have a girlfriend, Zack. What's thr matter, not into comitment right now?" He laughed again and shook his head.

"Girls here aren't looking for comitment just now. But I am. And you are. But you're taken." I nodded. Sure. Not an awkward thing to say at all. "I mean, you're beautiful, and smart, and caring. I would totay date you." I smiled as a quick blush reddened my face. "Especially with your blusht faces. Those are cute—"

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