Chapter two

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Before I could think to run for the door, a needle was struck into my neck. I gaged and put my hand to neck pulling out the needle. I turned around to see the man who helped me.
"Why?" I coughed and dropped to my knees as I slowly began to feel sleepy and my eyes heavy.
"I tried helping you but you can't run away"
"Fu..c..c..." I couldn't even speak anymore before my face fell onto the plastic and blacking out cold.

"Alice...." I voice spoke.
"Xander?" I opened my eyes to see Sean in front of me. I jumped in my chair but the chains only rattled loudly.
My head throbbed at the amount of venom running through my system.

"Sadly not" Sean smirked. He stepped back and leaned against the drawers against the wall.

The world was focused once more but my body felt restless and limp.

"Can I explain myself? Cause usually when someone is held captive they want to know why" Sean said.

"Fuck off" I spit out.

Sean dropped his arms in frustration and rolled his eyes.
"I'll just let Max explain" he walked out and I waited for the supposed man named Max. After a few minutes the door opened and the man who had fed me and betrayed me after, walked in. He looked me stern in the eyes and leaned against the dresser.
He sighed loudly and I noticed that he looked exhausted.

What has he been doing all day? Do they have more vampires that they are torturing too?
I tried to relax. Take a deep breathe like Dedra taught me.

I pity her. She may not be human but she breathes just like the rest of us. If only she knew....

The thought was caught off. Damn. That's all I could get. If I ever get out of here, I gotta work on this. At least I know that he won't kill me.
"What's going on here? Why was I kidnapped?" I mean they want Xander and obviously think that he will come for me. But they have no idea that we broke up. He won't look for me. The realization of it stung. I wish this is never happened. Damn that burglar, damn Julian for saving me, and damn Xander for making me fall for him.

Max rubbed at his eyes. I couldn't tell his age from the exhaustion but he had to be in his late 20s or he could be older and I can't tell. He had scruff that seemed as if he wasn't caring for it and his hair was a little brown and all messy, probably from running his hands through it. He's stressed. You don't have to be a mind reader to know the signs.

He paused before he spoke.
"You have no idea how many times I've said what we are doing here to the likes of you"

How many?

Max rubbed at his scruff, he appeared to be thinking. Finally I cut the tension.
"What are you doing here?" He met my eyes that caused goosebumps to line my back.
"We've mutated your venom, added some chemicals that would probably kill humans"
"What for?" He needs to get to the damn point.
"Your body right now is swarming with venom, just the right amount though, add anymore and your body can't take it. That's how you keep new vampires asleep longer right?"

Is that a rhetorical question? And how do they know our methods? Have they been watching us without us knowing?
That would be impossible since we'd smell them.

"We've used the same technique except to our advantage. Your council adds a little something to it. What they add is anti venom, so your not too weak when you wake up. Smart people. Or vampires. Whatever."
What the hell is going on here??
"We couldn't figure out what was the mixture and when we finally did, we had to make it stronger. Now that was the problem. We couldn't figure out which chemical we needed to add more of. How did we figure it out? Experiments."

Oh my god....

"So we kidnapped your kind to test out our anti venom. But all of you died."
Anger surged through me imagining what they had been doing to probably innocent vampires who were at the wrong place at the wrong time. I jumped and the chains rattled.
"You fuckers!!!!!" I screamed.

Max put his hand up calmly as if I wasn't ready to kill him right now.

"We are only doing this to help"
"Are you fucking kidding me?!!! You've been torturing vampires!!!!" I yanked and yanked at my chains. Finally I just forced my fists to the center of my body and I felt the chain spreading.
"AGHHHH!!!!" Max could see the chains failing as I forced them open. He went for the door and ran out.
The chains snapped open and the amount of force launched me into the dresser. I looked at the chains that were still attached around my wrists

I'm gonna kill them all. I sped out and into the hallway were they led to the stairs.
"Alice!" I turned around and saw Sean. I'll start with him. I walked over to him and he stayed in his place. Before I could rip out his jugular he spoke.

"Don't you want to be human again?"
I paused. His words took me back. Sean realized he said the right words. He only guessed that maybe being human was something I wanted.
"How? This anti venom of yours? It doesn't work, it'll kill me"
"It might but we have the formula, the last recipient wasn't strong enough, he died after two doses. I can tell you're stronger since you pulled out of those chains after all that venom we injected you with"

Was that really what I wanted? A normal human life. I did want it. But never did I think it was possible. Till now.
"Admit it Alice, life of a vampire is too complicated and you were never meant to be one" he was right. No matter how much I wanted him to be wrong, he wasn't.

"Okay show me"

I followed Sean to the basement that was set up into a science lab. Men in lab coats working with different chemicals.
"How does it work?" I asked.
"We take your own venom and add the anti venom formula to it, three doses is the amount you must survive. It works in three stages. Each one more painful than the last, the anti venom is dissolving the venom in you. You'll be puking a lot." I scanned the lab and fiddled with a tube being stirred.

"How did the others die?"
"First it wasn't the right chemical we were enhancing, their organs failed because of it. Then it was the dosage, two much and their skin burned like it was dipped in acid"
I shuttered at the thought.
"Then their bodies couldn't handle it, we figured we weren't feeding them enough. The last guy was drained of blood"
"What? How is that possible?"
"You need to be hooked to blood even if your feeding. The anti venom sometimes dissolves the blood cells as it dissolves the venom"

I was that experiment. To test that theory.
"What if I refuse?" Sean looked up at me. He was some what shocked.
"Will you?"
"Good, I didn't think so"

I was going to go through with this but only because a vampire life without Xander isn't worth it.

It was now or never.

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