Chapter Ten

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"We are so getting in trouble for this" Olivia said standing next to me after we had to explain to the rest why my human sister in law was knocked out on the living room couch.
"So you thought to bring her here?!!" Fabio yelled as he paced back in forth in the hallway like he has for the past 5 minutes.
"I didn't know where else to take her. I couldn't just leave her on the sidewalk!" I said.
"It's a nice town!"
"You're kidding me!!" I yelled. She's still my family and I would have been responsible if anything happened to her.
"This is the last thing we need right now! We already have a gang of hunters on our back! And Dedra could show up at any minute!" Fabio grasped at his hair.
"Dedra?" I asked. Why would she return?
"She's warned the council and when she returns, they are bringing guards for the cult" he looked at me. His face was red but not from anger. It was like he was anxious.
"When is she expected to arrive?" Xander asked.
"Soon! I don't know when! You already know that woman likes to appear unexpectedly!"
"He has a point" Caleb smirked.
"Not now" Anna said sternly.
"So what's the plan?" Julian stood up from the kitchen and walked over to the couch where Lilian laid.
"We can hide her?" Anna said.
"Dedra and the guards will smell her scent the moment they are 5 feet away from the door" Fabio replied.
"Well we're screwed" Caleb threw his hands up in the air dramatically.
"Ugh..." We all looked down to see my sister beginning to move and fluttering her eyes. Shit. Moment of truth.
"Lillian?" I crouched next to her.
"Alice? Hey could you tell your brother to clean the apartment for once, you know I hate coming home to a mess" She's a bit out of it since, her and Nathan haven't lived in that small apartment since they got engaged.
"Lillian I need you to sit up" I grabbed her arms and helped her up. She rubbed at her eyes sleepily and smiled. After a few seconds her eyes opened wide and shock covered her face.
"Alice? No this didn't happen.... This isn't real"
"Hey don't panic, I need you to breathe" she looked at me then the room full of vampires. I probably should kick everyone out.
"I need air!" She started to hyperventilate. I grabbed her arm and we stubbled out to the front door, Fabio opened it and we walked back out into the cool spring air.

Lillian let go of me and grabbed onto the railing of the porch and taking large gasps of air. After a few minutes she was able to stand up straight.
"Before you say anything I know you must have a lot of questions and I promise I have the answers" All she did was nod.
"Sit down" we both sat down and I grabbed her hand and explained how I died, how Julian saved my life, and being introduced to the cult. I also mentioned the cure for vampirism and how a groups of vampire hunters were going to come for me. I told her about my power as a wise one. After telling Lillian the whole story, I realized how much I'd been through in such a small period of time.

"And who's that Xander kid?" Lillian asked. I smirked.
"He's definitely not a kid, actually he's older than you"
"By how much?"
"About 12 years" I laughed.
"Well what would your mother think of you being with an older man?" She laughed. I was glad she still had her sense of humor even after everything she's had to swallow. After we shared a good laugh, her eyes began to water.
"Oh Alice... You can't imagine what's it been like without you. After your funeral, your parents were devastated" I didn't know if I really wanted to hear this.
"But I won't give you the awful details" oh thank god.
"Then tell me how's everyone doing? Catch me up" I said.
"Well your Mom finally made a book club and its become quite the hit, it's even got its own Facebook page" she smiled.
"Mom? And Facebook?" I laughed.
"And your parents joined a salsa dance class, you should see them! They are amazing now!" My eyes began to cloud with tears at the thought of how happy my parents were and that they were getting through all this.
"Emily is engaged!"
"Oh my god!" My sister was getting married and it all it did was hurt me since I wouldn't be there to attend.
"Who's the guy?" I asked.
"His name is Andrew and gosh he is so attractive, your sister has very good taste" she winked.
"The wedding is in August...." Lillian paused.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Well you're probably going to tell me that you can't go" she said sadly.
"I'm sorry. I can't expose myself. Just you knowing is dangerous" I replied. Would I be punished for her knowing now? Will they force me to kill her and turn her? Lillian can keep a secret.
"I don't get to tell your family do I?" She looked at me. I shook my head. Even though I did want them to know I was really alive, I just couldn't. The door opened and Xander walked out.
"Lillian where were you staying?"
"Um... Oh that little b&b just outside of town" she replied.
"We'll have to take you back as a precaution, Alice and I will get a room there"
"We will?" I asked. Xander nodded.
"It's getting late and Dedra should be here soon"
"Dedra? She's the girl that helped you right?" Lillian asked. Xander looked at me in shock.
"I might have told her about that" I shrugged innocently.
"I'm hungry, can we stop for food first?" Lillian said. We usually forget to eat since it isn't such a necessity to us, I forget that humans still eat 3 meals a day.

"Well this is my room" Lillian said taking out her key card.
"We are just down the hall, Lil, if you need anything don't be afraid to knock" I said handing her the take out bag from the Chinese restaurant around the corner.
"I should be just fine with my Chinese and pay per view" she winked.
"Good night" Xander said. We walked down the hall and into our room. Xander put our bags next to the edge of the bed.
"How long do you think we'll have to stay here?" I asked.
"Either until your sister leaves or Dedra finds out" We found out that the reason Lillian was in town was for a conference for her job in real estate. The conference's end date was still to be determined.

I changed into a long sleeping gown that was just above my knees. All I had under was my underwear. I got onto the bed next to Xander, he was only wearing pajama bottoms.

Does she really have to be wearing that right now? She has no idea what she's doing to me.

"What is it that I'm doing to you?" I smirked. Xander looked petrified by the fact I read his mind.
"What?" I laughed.
"That's not funny" but his grin showed me otherwise. He turned on the tv. Why doesn't he touch me? Is he afraid? Nervous? Xander's never been the shy type. After a few long minutes of watching a rerun of Seinfield, I proceeded to make the most of out night. I hopped on top of him, straddling his hips. He just looked at me and then glanced down my gown. Xander immediately shot his head back up. His hands still laid on his sides and not on my hips.
"Xander what's wrong?"
"I'm I not attractive to you anymore?" His face got stern and serious.
"Alice don't say that. You are the most sexiest beautiful woman..." As he spoke his hands hesitated to touch me. My need for his hands and lips on me grew stronger.
"Then touch me"I whispered.
"I...can't..." He stuttered.
"Why not?" I began to grow anxious. Had he been with another woman and felt ashamed?
"Because you've been through so much already and my sexual desires for you can be put aside for your own well being. You don't need to satisfy me in anyway because you think I need it. I..." He paused and looked down.
"I'm just satisfied by the fact that you're alive and that I haven't lost you." Xander met my eyes and sorrow laid behind them.
"Alice you have no idea the pain and suffering I went through in those few months.... I died inside. And after what they put you through and I can't even imagine what it felt to be put through all that... I love you so much and I couldn't bear losing you again" he might have been on the verge of tears put mine fell freely. I grabbed him in an embrace and hugged him as hard as I could. I needed him close but this wasn't close enough.
"Make love to me, Xander" I whispered in his ear. He brought me in arms length looking at me. He wiped the tears off my cheeks and simply nodded.

Xander and I did not speak a single word after. We spoke with our bodies telling each other how much we missed and loved one another. We made passionate slow love throughout the night. And more than one time. We couldn't seem to get enough of each other. And even after we fell asleep, I knew it was still not enough.

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