Chapter fourteen

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"You have to find out what he's hiding, do you understand?" Dedra's words echoed through my head as I headed back to the house. I was barely able to say yes, my nerves feel shot. She said that he was dangerous. What would he do if he knew my intentions? Would he kill me and blame it on Sean and Sebastian? It would be a liable explanation. I could see no lights on in the house. It was late, I missed dinner. I quietly headed up the stairs and found Xander sleeping peacefully in his room. I went into my room to change. When I turned on the light an envelope laid on my pillow. My name clearly printed. I picked it up and opened it.

Your so called leader, is a liar. Intrigued? Meet me at the town square tomorrow night at 10pm.

"S" it has to stand for Sean. How did he even get an envelope into my bedroom without being sniffed out? And was it a trap set out for me? But I am intrigued, Sean knows about Fabio and I need to know. Dedra said to find out what he's hiding but didn't say how I should get the information.

My chest pounded as I walked quietly towards the town square. Every step I took made me want to turn back and run to Xander, cry to him and tell him how I foolish I am. But that was the old Alice, weak and fragile. I've been through some really fucked up shit the past year and half. I died, turned into a what I thought was a mythological creature, fell in love, got heartbroken, endured pain through the learning of my power, tortured by hunters, lost friends, and almost lost my sister-in-law. I can do this. A single light illuminated a bench where a dark figure sat. I knew it was Sean and all I wanted to do was rip his throat. I stood about 6 feet away from him and scanned the area, smelling for other threats. I wouldn't get any closer than I was now. I didn't need him surprising me with another injection of venom.
"Alice" he said sternly, saying my name like he knew me.
"What do you have?" I got straight to the point.
"No chit chat?" He smirked. I kept my eyes fixated on him, showing no contempt.
"Alright, I see how it is."
"Don't toy with me, Sean" I was very close to sucking him dry.
"Fabio isn't who he says he is."
"I know this" I replied.
"Oh you do? But I'm guessing from your agreement to meet me, you just don't know what exactly he is." Sean grinned and rubbed it in my face that he did have the advantage at this point.
"Go on" I demanded.
"I have a source who gave me information of how his cult died and who's fault it was."
"What source?" I frowned.
"You'd be surprised how easily one of your kind will spit out information when your being bled and starved." My whole body cringed thinking about some poor soul being tortured like I was. My fists clenched. Sean looked pleased at my anger.
"He killed them" Sean said.
"What?" I frowned.
"Hunters are quite aware of your history, like the war that killed half of the vampires,including Fabio's cult. It seems to be that Fabio was the one who started it all."
"I don't believe you" I replied, my voice cracked trying to swallow Sean's words.
"It doesn't matter if you don't believe me or not. But it's the truth. He's a selfish man who made it seem that he was doing his kind a favor only to reveal his true desires. Ask him yourself what he did if you don't want to hear it from me anymore."
"What's in for you knowing this? Why go out of your way to torture someone for this?" I asked. It only occurred to me that Sean had to have an alternative motive. He wasn't doing this to warn us.
"It's good leverage" he grinned. Sean stood up and began to walk away. I debated calling after him, demanding an explanation of why Fabio did what he did. Did I believe him or was he bluffing to only get into my head? I needed to find out the truth. Because if he was warning us, then I need to get back.

It was midnight by the time I crawled into bed next to Xander. He muttered something that I didn't understand but he just wrapped his arm over me and pulled me in close. It was comforting and made some of my anxiety fade away. I kept trying to connect puzzle pieces but it was difficult, I only had the edges connected but I'm missing the whole middle chunk. After a few minutes of trying to get the whole picture, I realized how exhausted I was and soon fell fast asleep.

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