Chapter five

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It's been a two weeks now in this small town called Sterling. I just got hired at the local boutique. There are no malls and the whole town is mostly local business.

I've began running again. The burn of the workout felt wonderful. It felt human.

I even got a membership at Jessie's Pilates studio. Her peppy attitude has actually grown on me. We have occasional lunch dates. I met her boys not too long ago when she invited me for dinner.

I've met the other neighbors. To the right of me is an older white couple who are retired. The house over is a mid age couple with many kids. Jessie has introduced me to others who we have ran into at GiGi's or other places.

Jessie has tried to set up with a guy my age who I met at the farmers market. I just explained to her that I had a bad break up and needed time. After that she didn't push anymore.

I've had too many sleepless nights, I constantly dream about him. When I wake up alone, I start to cry and fall back asleep from exhaustion. It seems to be a cycle. I only hope it will end soon.

Xander's POV

Many are convinced that she may not be alive. They haven't actually said the words but I can see it on their faces. The house feels like when Beth first died. It took months before we all could recover just enough to do things again.

I still search. But a part of me has lost hope too. At this point maybe I'll just find her body and we can all just grieve instead of wondering the unknown.

"We've all become extremely depressed" Eva says. She sinks into the open chair across from me.
"Freddy and I need to go feed, anyone else?" Ruby says. All of us shook our heads and they both left.
"Maybe we should all leave the house" Ashley walked over to us from her room. Caleb isn't too far behind.
"What do you have in mind?" Fabio sits with his cup of coffee.
"Well I heard there was a rodeo coming"
"There are no rodeos near us" Fabio spoke again.
"It's in this small town, I can't remember the name but it sounds like fun"
"That doesn't sound too bad" Eva said.
"It would be good for us, Xander" I look at Fabio. I just want my Alice. But there are others here that I can't forget.
"I guess" I shrugged.
"Great! It's not until Saturday. But let's start making plans and I'll look up the name right now" great. Now I gotta dread this for the next two days.

Alice's POV

The air was becoming a little warmer, spring was coming to an end soon. The heat never bothered me and I was used to hot air while I ran. What I still wasn't used to was being out of breath.

I opened the gate to my walkway and noticed Jessie waving at me. I pulled out my headphones.
"Mornin, Alice!"
"Morning" I replied. I walked to the white Pickett fence that separated our yards.
"Good run?" I nodded wiping the sweat off my forehead.
"Have you heard of the Rodeo that's coming to town?"
"No" I didn't think this town could get more country. I guess I was wrong.
"It's the biggest event to hit our little town! Lots of folks come from all over Colorado. The hotels fill up and there is actual traffic on the streets" she chuckled.
Back at home, traffic isn't considered funny.
"The boys and I are going, would you like to accompany us?"
"Of course I would. I'd never turn you down, Jessie" I smiled. It's true, not once have I said no to her plans. Like even I've gone out of my way to make plans with her.
"Goodie! It's this Saturday, we can just walk cuz we'd never find parking"
"Yeah I don't mind"
"Great, I'm gonna do some errands before the town starts to fill up"
"Alrighty, I'll see you at class"

My days had a normal routine now. Go for a run, get ready for work, head to Jessie's studio and other things that may be needed like go to the bank or pick up toilet paper. Though the routine kept my mind at ease, the nights never changed. Maybe I should try to meet somebody. Maybe the rodeo.

Friday nights in Sterling were spent at the movies or at the country club where everyone wore there best dancing boots and hats. I was never much of a dancer but I enjoyed learning to two step. 
"Do you want another beer?" Jessie yelled over the music. I nodded my head. Before Jessie could go back to the bar, I stopped her.
"This round is on me" I smiled.
"Awesome! Thanks" she replied. I walked to the bar and got the attention of Mike, the bartender and part owner of The Stallion.
"Two more!" I yelled.
"Coming right up" he popped the caps off of two Miller lights and placed them on the counter. I pulled out my card.
"How you doing, Alice?" He smiled with all his white pearly teeth. Mike was my age and quite attractive. He definitely pulled off the cowboy look very well. Tan, tall, and slim. Though he was shorter than Xander and had more facial hair.
"I'm doing good, it's more filled tonight but I'm guessing it's the out of towners"
"Oh yeah, but it's good for business. So you know, you still owe me a dance" Mike leaned against the counter closing some distance between us.
"Jessie said it, not me" I smirked. She was always causing me trouble.
"But you didn't say no"
"And I didn't say yes" I was getting a little too flirty and I almost felt unfaithful to myself since I am not even close to getting over Xander.
"Well Alice.... Will you dance with me?" He cocked an eyebrow at me.
"Who's gonna tend the bar?"
"Jose will be fine, he may be new but he's gotten the hang of it" lord am I about to say yes.

"Alright Mike, one dance" I put up a finger. He smiled ginormously, it was so contagious, I couldn't help but smile too. Mike walked around the bar before taking my hand and dragging me into the dance floor. He brought me close to his chest and we danced in a circle at the pace of the music. It began to get faster and we moved faster. I began to laugh as we spun around and around. Mike twirled me and for a second it was all alright

The music came to an abrupt stop and the crowd clapped and cheered. We stepped to the side and I caught my breathe.
"That was fun" Mike gave me a smirk. I rolled my eyes and smiled.
"It was" there was a small pause between us and it wasn't awkward but soothing in some odd way.
"Hey you are going tomorrow right?"
"Yeah I'm going with Jessie and her boys"
"Cool! You can see me ride some bull"
"What?!" I laughed.
"Oh you didn't know Mikey rode bull!" He grabbed at his buckle and pretended to pull it up.
"No" I chuckled.
"Yes ma'am" he faked an accent. Just then Jessie came up behind me.
"Dear do you mind if we head out?" She paused and looked up at Mike and then back at me before smiling.
"Well hiya Mike!"
"Jessie" he nodded.
"I'm sorry to interrupt but being a mama makes you worry about your kids" she chuckled.
"I don't mind" I said.
"Thanks, you can see her tomorrow Mike, I promise" Jessie said sweetly.
"I'll see you then, Alice" I waved at Mike as we exited the bar.

"Well what was going on there?" Jessie asked as we pulled up into her drive.
"We danced" I cowered away sarcastically and smiled.
"What?! Oh gosh finally!"
"What do you mean?" I laughed.
"Mike likes you. Don't you know?"
"No" I sat up straight.
"That boy has had eyes for you since you arrived to Sterling" God what have I done? Dancing with him?

I just gave Mike the wrong idea about us.
"What's wrong?"
"It's just.... I don't know if I'm ready to date"
"I wish you'd tell me why. You don't talk much about this boy who broke your heart" I hadn't told Jessie anything. I just looked at her surprised.
"Oh come on, Alice. I've lived enough to see what a girl looks like being heartbroken" I guess I didn't hide it well. But she had no idea of my past or what I'd gone through this past year.

"Why don't you take a nice shower and rest. I'll come over to get you in the morning. Be ready by 9" I nodded and opened the door.
"Night, Jessie" I waved as I walked up my porch.
"Goodnight sweetie!" She responded before opening her door.

I stood there for a second wondering and imagining what Xander was doing or thinking.

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