Chapter eight

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Two days later....

"How are you feeling?" Isabella asked. She placed a wet rag on my forehead. To my surprise it was possible for a vampire to become ill. The changing of vampire to human twice now took a large toll on my body.

"Much better, thank you" it wasn't a complete lie because yesterday I was dog sick compared to today. But I still felt pretty awful.
"When was the last time you puked?"
"About an hour ago" I responded. I did bleed to death, again.
"I'm just going to change your bag and I'll let you rest" Isabella smiled.
"Thank you" when she opened the door, Xander was standing outside.
"She needs to rest, Xander" she said in a very stern voice.
"It's okay" I smiled. Xander sat in the chair next to the bed that all my care takers use.
"Hi" he smiled. Xander took my hand and held it. The contact kept me buzzing.
"Hi" I grinned. He stroked his thumb along my hand. He appeared to be thinking.
"When was the last time you showered?" Xander asked.
"Umm... Not since I turned" I laughed.
"Come on" he got up.
"Xander, I'm too weak" I groaned.
"Alright then I'll run a bath, how does that sound?" He gave me his wicked grin. Of course I wanted to take a bath especially if he'd join me.
"Will be joining me?"
"I wouldn't let you take one without me" he winked and walked out the door. I could hear the water running. He came back and pulled the covers off.
"Put your arm around my neck" he bent over the bed and I did as I was told. Xander gently lifted me with ease and carried me to the bathroom. He sat me on the counter. The tub was filling up with steaming water. It looked very inviting. Xander removed my pajama shorts and underwear together then pulled my tank top off. I felt so exposed. Xander breathed in sharply but shook his head to rid him of whatever idea he was thinking. He proceeded to remove his own clothes.

He picked me up once before placing me inside the tube. The hot water immediately felt wonderful. Xander joined behind me. He grabbed the rag hanging and put some body wash on it before soaping it up.
"Lean forward" he said. I leaned away from his chest and began to wash my back slowly. I let out a sigh and i felt Xander's cock twitch. I had that much of an affect on him? Or was he just extremely horny? I wonder if he'd been with a woman since my disappearance. The thought made me uncomfortable. I prefer not to ruin the moment.

Xander continued on my arms and I turned to face him so he could get my legs and chest. After a relaxing wash, I laid on his chest, both of us in silence just enjoying each other's company. Once the water was cold, he drained the tub and wrapped me in a towel.

"Xander?" He looked up at me after putting on his sweats.
"Yeah babe?"
"What's going to happen now?" I couldn't think of what next and what I had thought was going after Sean and his serum. Would we really let me continue doing this? Or would he stop the moment he cured his brother? And would they come after the cult as revenge?
"I'm not too sure. But don't worry about, I need you better right now" he smiled.

I want to go after that son of a bitch right now. End this all.

I smiled innocently back at Xander, hoping he didn't know I had my power back. It came back the moment I woke up.
"I'm gonna go get some soup that Eva promised to make you" he said before leaving and heading downstairs.

As much as I wish everything could go back to normal, whatever normal was, Sean would check on me soon and not find me, only to ask Jessie. She'll be the one to reveal the truth, I'd gone back home. Sean would know what that would mean and he'd have his target set on the cult, putting everyone in danger.

I only hope he wouldn't hurt Jessie in his anger. I didn't want her to mourn so instead I convinced Xander to let me tell her I was returning home. That way I could always visit her if I wanted. Even though it wasn't really allowed.

Mike on the other hand was a different story. When I had mentioned needing to say goodbye, Xander boiled with jealousy. It was a new thing for me, I'd never seen him express that emotion other than with Theo but not this intense. Mike was sadden at my abrupt need to go home, my excuse to him and Jessie was I had an illness, since they were talking to me while I was still having to puke blood. They wished me well and to come back anytime I'd like. I've seemed to cling to Jessie's words....
"You'll always have a place here with us" I couldn't help but shed a few tears. When I had no one else, I had her. I was extremely grateful for her friendship.

From a distance I heard footsteps coming up the porch. My heart accelerated and I sped down the stairs and into the kitchen only to get winded and crash onto the floor.
"Alice!" Eva picked me up and Xander came to my side as Fabio went to the door. Everyone was quiet and appeared to be on full alert. That's how it's been since my arrival as a threatening force now loomed over us.

Xander sat me on one of the kitchen stairs but never took his sight off of the door. Fabio paused and looked back.
"Cover Alice" he said. Xander stood right in front of me, blocking any view I had of the door. I reached up and grabbed his hand. He gave it a reassuring squeeze. The door creaked and I listened in as I no longer had vision.
"What a surprise" Fabio said.
"Is she okay?" Dedra. How did she know? I pushed Xander away and he reluctantly moved and I used him as support to stand up. I met Dedra's eyes and she looked worried and happy at the same time.
"Hi" I smiled. She pushed back the door and Fabio and ran up to me and gave me a tight hug.
"I was so worried" she whispered as she held me.
"I didn't realize they were keeping you informed" I smirked.
"I only knew you were missing when Xander showed up" she helped me sit down again.
"Wait what?" I looked up to Xander who was looking Dedra dead in the eyes.
"Sorry" she chuckled. Xander was coming after me as I came after him. My heart flipped and butterflies grew.
"Well how did you know I'm okay?" I asked.
"I felt you using your power" she replied. Damn it, Dedra. That was a secret. I knew she'd read my mind.
"What??" Xander looked at me.
"Sorry" she whispered and laughed.
"You've had your power this whole time?" He asked.
"I was using it to my advantage" I smirked.
"That's not funny!" But from the corner of his mouth, he was smirking too.

"So who's after you?" Dedra asked as she sat down next to me. I looked up at Xander who was puzzled.
"Oh come on, everyone is on full alert and guarding you like a damsel in distress" Dedra shrugged and rolled her eyes. I groaned at the thought of being a damsel in distress. The last thing I wanted to be. We all stayed silent.
"Really? Do I have to start asking questions and reading your minds?"
"You can't do that" Fabio spoke.
"Actually I'm here on behalf of the council" Dedra replied.
"What?" Xander looked at her.
"She's been missing and her safety is very important since she is a wise one. Now that I know she's alive and well..." She paused and looked at me.
"God, Alice, are you okay?" She actually looked worried and it only made me groan again. I'm not a weakling but I sure as hell look like one.

"She was turned" Xander said.
"Turned?" Dedra looked at everyone in the room.
"I was human again" I whispered. It was possible Dedra looked sicker than me at the exact moment I spoke.
"That's not possible" she chuckled awkwardly.
"It's a vampire hunter who's found the cure for vampirism" Fabio said. But this time it felt like he was speaking to everyone in the room.

The problem was real and dangerous to all of us.

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