Chapter 55

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Kassidy's POV

I woke up with a headache. I don't think I drank that much last night.

I looked at Shawn sleeping beside me. He looks so peaceful.

I get out of bed and go to Sophie's room.

Her and Cam are still peacefully sleeping. Not for long.

I walk into their bathroom emptying the whole bottom of conditioner in my hand.

I then set my phone on the tv stand so it's facing the bed and whisper "Smack Cam."

I walk quietly, or as quietly as I can, to the side of the bed that Sophie's laying on.

I'm just about to smack her when she jumps up and shoves my hand with the conditioner in it in my face.

"Got you at your own fucking game." She says getting up and doing a victory dance.

"It's in my fucking eyes." I say rubbing my eyes and running to the bathroom.

It stings so fucking bad.

I wash off my face and then try to wash out my eyes but it won't come out.

"Sophie get your ass in here." I say.

She walks in.

"Splash water in my face while I hold my eyes open."

She nods, probably feeling bad now.

I hold my eyes open while she splashes water in my face.

After 2 minutes the stinging sensation goes down and my eyes are just irritated now.

I walk out and pick up my phone that has been recording this whole time.

I'll post this on YouTube later, unedited.

I walk in my and Shawn's room to see him already up. I look at the time 10:07am.

I walk into Kayla and Nash's room to wake them up.

"Wake up." I say shaking Nash then Kayla.

Neither of them move.

I bend down so my mouth is by Kayla's ear and yell "WAKE UP."

She jolts up bumping heads with me as she does.

"Fuck that hurt." I say rubbing my head and walking to Mallory's and Matt's room. Surprisingly they're already up.

"Get dressed were being tourists." I say and then yell it so everyone hears.

Damn. I feel like a mother sometimes.

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