Chapter 3

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We already were on are way to Florida i was sitting in the back listening to my music with the volume turned all the way up Seth and mom were talking in hushed tones so i couldn't here what they were saying to each other. I turned my music down and tried listening in to what they were saying. I heard what if it dont work and it will she'll never know what happened to her when she... but thats all i heard because we were pulling in to a gass station and my mom was turning in her seat to check up on us. And i didnt want her to know that i was eavesdropping i turned my volume back up and thought to myself. What did they mean by all that... After we had pulled out of the gass station i started feeling drowsy so i layed back in my seat and slowly started drifting off to sleep..

Highway 68 <>Ashton Irwin<>Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora