Chapter 5

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I woke up shivering and shaking with fear from the cold and pitch black darkness i pushed my self to stand up almost falling down but regaining my balance. I started walking my way on the road seeing not one vehicle or anything out here it was deserted and creepy my foot caught on something on the side of the rode making me almost fall i looked down and huffed just a dum rock. I kept on walking zipping my jacket further up and pulling my hood up over me. A wolf howled mornfully in the distance making me stop and look all around me shivering in fear once again. I felt little wet droplets fall on to me i looked up and saw that it was starting to snow but not to hard i needed to find shelter now before the storm hit. I briskly started walking faster keeping my Paise up i kept on searching for any kind of shelter i could take refuge in but i saw nothing. The snow started falling faster and it was already covering the ground. I started walking slower getting out of breath from walking so fast the snow was falling down more thickly where i couldnt see ahead of me anymore. But still i kept on going it felt like hours for how long i kept on walking but i was not going to give up to quickly my side's started to ache and my throat was parched my head hurt and i felt dizzy and partly sick from walking so long with no food or water and not taking a break either. I pushed myself to go further but finally it became to much for me and i fell down into the snow fainting.

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