Chapter 7

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I hadnt realized it before but while we had been driving Ashton had rubbed my hands and feet getting the circulation back into them. I looked down to where his hands were on mine rubbing them. We pulled up to the house and got out with Ashton still carrying me bringing me into the house he carried me upstairs and into his room where he brought me to the bathroom.  I was confused he must have realized it because he laughed and said. You have really bad frost bite so im going to have you sit in the tub with cold water in it, it will help your circulation come back.  He sat me down on the edge of the tub and started pulling my shirt up over me. Wait what are you doing? I asked while blushing. Dont be shy im just trying to help you get undressed, you wouldn't have been able to do it even if you tried he said while laughing. Oh ok i said embarrassed while blushing a more deeper red. He pulled my shirt and pants off leaving me in only my bra and panties. Do i have to take these off to? I asked still red in the cheeks. Yes you do, your body needs to get all of the circulation back into every single area of it or else youll get sick and die. And we dont want that do we? He asked. U um n no i answered. He helped me unclasp my bra helping me with my panties also. This seemed so entiment to me but i knew it wasnt and i knew he wasnt thinking anything like that by the look on his face. He looked so determined and worried he made me want to laugh. He started running the cold bath water helping me get in it after it was half full. I started shivering and shaking from the cold water i wimpered and said. I, i, its c, cold! I know its ok he said soothingly rubbing my legs getting the blood flow back. I shakingly started rubbing my hands and my other leg he reached his other hand into the tub and started rubbing my feet. After awhile i felt warm again i think im ok now. I said. Yeh ok here let me get a towel. Ashton answered. He grabbed a soft fluffy towel from the rack and helped me get out of the tub rapping me up in the towel. Bringing me back inside his bedroom he walked over to his walk in closet and came back out with a shirt of his and boxers. Here where these for now until we can get you some new clothes. He said to me. I grabbed them from his hands i let the towel drop not cairing if he saw me necked since he already did in the bathroom. I quickly got dressed and asked. Um where em i supposed to sleep? He chuckled and said. You can sleep in my bed tonight and I'll just sleep on the couch! No this is your room i dont want to be rude how about i just sleep on the couch it will be fine! Hell to the no! He said to me angrily. How about we both just sleep in your bed i dont even care big woop! I said back to him while huffing and crossing my arms over my chest. Wow ok ok calm down! He said while laughing at me.

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