Chapter 6

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I heard voices like some people were talking in hushed tones i didnt know and then i felt like i was being lifted up from the snow and carried in someone's strong muscular arms. My eyes opened and i tried looking around my surroundings i couldnt see the person's face that was carrying me or for the others either because of the dark. I wimpered from the cold and hunger and thirst that had already taken over me a tear slipped down my cheek from fear and sorrow. Why had my parents left me like that i asked myself why would they do such a thing? I knew my step father wasnt a very nice man he was always snapping at me once he had tried touching me where he shouldn't have been touching me i had tried pushing him off and telling him to stop but he wouldn't listen luckily my mom was coming in the door she didnt see what he had tried doing to me. But i wish she would've because i had tried to tell her what he had tried doing to me but she did not believe me this is what she told me. "Autumn i am not stupid i know your step father to well and he would never even think to do such a thing like that to you. I know you dont take to kindly to him and youll get over it soon." I was fierce for what she had told me i turned away quickly but before i had went out of the room i said. "Well you know what i dont even care anymore if you dont believe me for what he did to me your just to stupid to see it for yourself that he is just using you!" I yelled at her. She was to stunned to say anything and before she could i left. I was knocked out of my thoughts when the person that was carrying me spoke. Its ok dont be afraid he said wiping my tears away with his thumb im going to take care of you i wont let anybody hurt you like your step father did. Wait what how did he know what he had done to me. I was to scarred to ask so i kept quite for the reminder of the time i didnt even realize it before but now we were driving down into the woods on a dirt road in a vehicle the car took a  left turn and a large magnificent house came into view. Wow! I said under my breath. But i guess they heard because they all chuckled. I is this your house? i asked them. Yes, yes its ours. The guy holding me said. His voice sounded so familiar but i couldn't put my finger on it to where i've heard it before. I still couldnt see there faces in the dark of the car i was really curious to know who they were. I spoke up. So what are you guys names? They didnt speak or say anything for awhile and then finally the one holding me spoke. Im Ashton thats Luke he pointed to the one driving this is Michael he said nodding his head over to the one that was sitting in the passenger seat and this is Calum. I hadnt even realised before that he was there he was sitting beside Ashton and he was looking down at his phone furiously tapping away playing some game. Wait those names sound familiar do i know you guys from somewhere? I asked. Um have you ever heard of the band 5 seconds of summer? Oh yeh your that band that my sister is always talking about she's really obsessed over you she would never shut up i groaned. They all chuckled looking over at me i blushed and laughed. Well thats good to know Ashton said laughing at me.

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