Chapter 11

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But then he said, Autumn, Autumn wake up! What the hell! And then my eyes flew open to see that i was in Ashtons arms. What happened? I asked. He smirked and said, you were moaning and screaming my name! But then his smirk turned into a frown and he said. But then before that you were crying and telling someone to stop. And you screamed the name Seth. Is Seth your step father? He asked. Yes but how do you know i have a step dad? Its a long story and your not ready to here it yet. I'll tell you when you are ready to here it. Um ok. Is all i said...

Sorry i did not mean to write the story in that form of writing. And id dont feel like going back an rewriting it rite now so...But anyways it was all a dream in the chapter before. An this is real life now! If u understand blah blah!;)


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2015 ⏰

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