Part 2

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"My name's Cecilia by the way. Dont think I ever mentioned that, did I?" Cecilia continues to wear an insane grin across her face, looking down at the hurt Eevee as she makes her way into the Pokemon center.
The Eevee gives a weak "Vee" in response.
"Hello, what can we help you with today?" Nurse Joy shines a shy smile to the newcomers, tilting her head to the side slightly.
"So, I'm here to drop off a hurt Pokemon?" Cecilia's sweating hard now, her palms shaking as she feels Eevee in her hands. She becomes increasingly aware of her awkwardness and uncomfortable nature in human interaction. Living alone, her experience with it is so incredibly slim.
Beyond that, the fear is really striking her hard as she realizes just how odd a position she's in. This wasn't a Pokemon she owned. What would they think of her rashly bringing it in after just having found it in the wild?
And as she looks down at the little guy... She can feel a little piece of her heart twinge at the thought of losing him. As she had ran there, she had come to think that, just maybe, they could be a team; a couple of rogue warriors, fiercely fighting all that stood in their way.
"Of course!" The nurse disrupts Cecilia's train of thought as she takes the Eevee out of her hands and heads towards the healing machinery behind her desk. She wears a look of deep concern on her face. "Little guy doesn't look like he's doing so well. Do you have the Pokeball?"
"He was wild, actually..." Cecilia feels her face turning red, fearing the judgement that may lie before her.
But the nurse simply nods, and says "Don't worry, we'll take care of it!"
Cecilia breathes a sigh of relief, as she plops down on a nearby couch. A young boy sits next to her, with a striking blaze of orange hair sticking up in the front. His eyes are a dark foresty green, and he wears a black tank top with a red Pokeball printed across it, dark blue skinny jeans below it. "Sup?" He asks with a hint of flirtation in his voice.
"H-hey!" Cecilia perks up, blushing slightly, worrying she might say something wrong.
"So that Eevee wasn't yours?" He asks, curious. "What made you think to bring it in?"
"Well I..." Cecilia's words catch a bit in her throat. She clears her voice, starting again; "I just saw it was really hurt, so I brought it in, you know?"
The orange haired guy starts to laugh, to which Cecilia chimes in "it's not funny asshole!"
"No, no! Sorry, it's awesome!" He gives a big full teethed smile, to which Cecilia chuckles at shyly. "That's a really noble thing to do..."
The guy looks at her old, dirty, tattered clothing, and her mess auburn of a hair. Then, he looks into her electric blue eyes, and in them sees a sense of unrivaled beauty and determination. He reaches into his pocket, and pulls out 10 Pokeballs.
"Hey, look... I don't want you to think I'm like... Assumed anything?" He blushes hard as he reaches out the handful of pokeballs into the open. "It's just you don't seem the most well off and... You should have this!"
"W-why?" Cecilia blushes and gives him a puzzled look, but refuses to take his offering.
"Honestly? It's that look in your eyes. That look alone, and I know you have the makings of a great trainer."
He gives a big smile at this, to which Cecilia can't help but laugh at yet again, and feebly takes the balls from his hand. "Thank you..."
"No problem. Hey, I hope to see you again! My name's Tony by the way!" Tony throws Cecilia a peace sign, as he strolled out of the Pokemon center casually.
"Hello, miss?" Nurse joy calls to Cecilia, who perks up and nods, then proceeding to walk to the desk attentively.
"The Pokemon you brought in seems to be recovering nicely. Would you like to see him?" Nurse Joy gives Cecilia a warm smile.
"Yeah, I would!" Cecilia eagerly makes her way into the guarded area, anticipating the relief of seeing the Eevee at last in a stronger state.
As she approaches, Eevee jumps up, springing all the way into her arms with a look of thrill, excitement, and delight she had not yet seen on the Pokemon's face.
"He really likes you, huh?" Nurse Joy chuckles as she sees the Eevee rubbing it's head back and forth across Cecilia's arm in a warm cuddling motion.
Cecilia can't help but laugh as the bristles of fur tickle her skin. "Yeah... I guess he does!"
"Well, it's okay if you want to bring leave now! He's more or less fully recovered. As always, we hope to see you again!" Nurse Joy waves goodbye, as Cecilia walks out, pondering how odd a thing it is to say 'we hope to see you again' at a freaking hospital.
"So, little guy? I guess this is goodbye...." Cecilia feels a rush of emotions running through her skin, a tiny fragment of her heart breaking as she turns her back to the Pokemon she had saved. "You should go out and live the life you're meant in the wild little buddy... I'm sure that's what you want..."
A tear softly forms in her eye, as she thinks of how these past few hours had changed the pace of her life so drastically. Somehow, some way, for once in her 16 years of living, she had been able to feel something she hadn't felt in a long, long time.
The feeling that she wasn't completely isolated, in her own little plane of reality... That she wasn't...
As she walks slowly out into whatever came next, she hears a rush of footsteps behind her; Before she can even turn her head around, it's already too late;
BLAM! The Eevee smacks hard into her backside, pulling her into the ground as the globes of tears building in her eyes fling out, shattering into millions of pieces on the hard surface below.
Eevee clings firm to her shirt, determined to not let go.
Cecelia twists around, to see the Eevee firmly planted into the ground, an ambitious look across it's face as it stares at Cecilia's eyes with a kind of conviction like no other.
"I swear... Every time with you." Cecilia laughs hard, her body shaking as she begins to accept the reality she could have only dreamed of. She reaches into her pocket, and pulls out a Pokeball.
"You sure you wanna do this?"
The Eevee nods, in the utmost confidence.
"If you say so... Here goes nothing!"

A green flag can be seen in the distance, held high above route 115. On it, a sinister Delta symbol flings from side to side in the wind.
"All is going to plans, sir... We'll be in Rustboro in no time."
"Thanks, Mike." The man wears a dark green suit, contrasted against a red and blue striped bowtie. His hair is black, slicked back and eventually turning into a short ponytail. And his whole charisma is composed in the utmost vanity. "It begins today...
The day Team Celestial begins their journey... To save this world."

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