Part 3

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The young girl with long brown pigtails stumbled out of the gym. She looks back and forth before running ahead into the main street of Rustboro, her pace increasing every step as she feels the fresh air brushing against her face. Her eyes close, feeling the bliss of the summer day, as her foot suddenly catches on something furry.
'WAAAAAAAAGH!" The girl is flung into the air, her body swung upside down, her body threatening to plummet head first into the concrete walkway.
Cecilia jumps, her body vertical to the ground as she barely catches the girl in time. Their bodies scrape hard and intermingle as they skid across the ground.
The girl immediately springs up with fire in her eyes. "Uhm, thanks but I didn't need YOUR help!" She raises her head triumphantly, giving a cocky smile.
"Yeah, you did..." Cecilia squints at her judgingly, her bottom lip above her top lip for added grumpy effect.
"Whatever!" The girl in pigtails spits on the ground, and as the trajectory of her view moves she catches a glimpse of Eevee standing in an intimidating position, aggravated over having been tripped on.
"Pokemon!" The girl squeals, pulling a Pokeball out of her pocket as her eyebrows furrow. "I'm gonna kick your ass so I don't have to deal with you again, okay?"
"WHAT?!" Cecilia throws her hands up into the air, completely puzzled. "I practically saved your freaking life and you want to kick my ass?!"
"That's how it works!" The girl spits again and throws her Pokeball. A flash of light expands from the Pokeball, and a Nosepass materializes in it's place.
Suddenly, a lady that resembles the girl strides into the scene, placing a hand on the young girl's shoulder. "Now dear, what did I tell you about using mommy's Pokemon?"
The ladies hair is put into a ponytail, brown with specks of grey littered throughout. Her face shows some light wrinkles, but beyond them her beauty is irrefutable. She wears a conservative, grey outfit, and has small well rounded glasses pushed up against her nose.
The girl's face lights up a bright red, as she cowers and immediately sends the Pokemon back into her ball, handing it back to her mom. "I'm sorry mommy!" Her voice had shifted to a whiny, high pitched baby voice.
Her mom gives her an aggressive eye, as if to say 'we'll talk more about this when we get home young lady...' her focus then shifts to Cecilia, who stands there in an awkward battle stance, face red.
"You must be a challenger? I'm sincerely sorry for my daughter Roxanne. She can be a handful." She gives her daughter the eye again, to which Roxanne puffs out her cheeks and sticks out her tongue mockingly.
"I can tell..." Cecilia chuckles softly, and throws her hands up behind her head.
"The name's Stonia. I'm actually the gym leader of this town. If you wanted a battle, I'd be happy to oblige!" Stonia gives a warm smile, which Cecilia tries to return without success.
Cecilia's mind gushes with thoughts. Am I really ready for this? What's a gym battle even like? Is this really what I want to do?
She breathes in deep, feeling her body shaking yet again. Then, she bites her lip hard, forming a fist with her right hand and raising it up to her face. "You're on, Stonia!"

The gym is decorated in beautiful imagery, showcasing a huge variety of postclassic stone art, and even fossils of Pokemon embroidered into the walls. Bones and fossils appear jagged from the ceilings and walls. On the gym's ground, boulders scatter the uneven terrain of the battlefield. Stonia stands above Cecilia, behind her the badge encapsulated in a glass case.
"The gym battle will be a one on one match between Stonia's Nosepass and Cecilia's Eevee! Three... Two... One... Begin!" The referee forces his weight into striking down a green flag, as Cecilia and Stonia both throw out their Pokeballs. Seconds later, both Pokemon are on the field, staring into each other's eyes with a look of strong willpower to win this fight.
Eevee grinds it's teeth, examining the opponent before it. The hard surface of it's body looks hard to lay any serious damage on.
Cecilia senses this too, biting her lip as she considers what attack might be able to lay any decent damage on the opposing Nosepass. After a few seconds, she decidedly declares; "Eevee, knock it over with a tackle!"
Eevee runs at the Pokemon, light on it's feet as it exerts the full force of it's body into it's jump. It's body slams hard into the Pokemon's nose, it's face smacking against the stone forehead. Eevee reels back, flipping over in pain as Nosepass stands firm.
"Now, Nosepass! Rock Throw!" The Nosepass lifts a large rock from the battlefield, dust scattering across the space from which it was lifted. The Nosepass heaves the rock, and then flings it directly at Eevee.
Eeevee tries to avoid the attack, but the rock narrowly catches him square in the hip. He lays on the floor for a few seconds, the referee carefully keeping watch as the Pokemon struggles to regain it's balance. The fate of the battle already seems inevitable.
Cecilia sighs, pondering her next move. Finally, she breathes in deep, giving it one last full hearted attempt.
"Eevee! Let's go, hit it with a swift attack!"
The Eevee sends a multitude of stars swimming in the opponent's direction. Nosepass braces for the oncoming hit, confident in it's ability to absorb the attack.
In that moment, the roof of the gym comes crumbling down...

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