Part 8

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A small young man with brunette hair and blue eyes sits next to a gorgeous lady on a park bench, silently trying not to notice one another. The young man's face is littered with freckles, as he sparks a big smile to the girl next to him. She blushes slightly, her eyes glancing to the other side as he can't help but keep his eyes on her beautiful olive skin, her black hair blowing in the wind...

"Hey, my name's G-" the man's tongue is caught on itself. He coughs, spit finding a weird tube to get stuck in as the girl turns towards him, gasping.

"Are you okay!?" She speaks in a slight accent. Her eyes are full of worry, as the man continues to cough, his whole face a burning magenta. "I..." The man continues to cough a few more times, before finally getting out his words. "I'm fine, I'm so... Sorry..."

The girl giggles, her face warm and inviting. "It's no problem, really. You were introducing yourself?"
The man's face is somehow even more red now than when he was coughing. "Uhm... Yes! I'm Gus!" The man's back shudders as he begins to find himself lost in the girls hazel eyes.

The girl smiles, sensing his fear and accepting it as she replies softly, "and I'm Hasani... Pleasure to meet you, Gus."

Gus smiles back at her, happy to see her not running away. "I'm sorry, I suck at introductions... Clearly!"

Gus gives a dry smile, as Hasani simply replies; "Yeah, you do." There's an irrefutable kindness strewn throughout her voice. "It was kind of funny actually..."

She giggles, and the man follows her lead. It's not long before they've erupted into full blown laughs, progressing more and more in intensity...

Cecilia is violently shaken awake, her dream interrupted suddenly as Steven practically drags her up. "We have to go, now!"
"W... What?" Cecilia's eyelids still droop, trying to recall her whereabouts. She's in a Pokemon center, a couch underneath her...
"Here are your Pokemon. They're all healed." Steven gives her four Pokeballs, and then grabs Cecilia's arm and starts dragging her. "I said NOW."

"What the hell is going on?" Cecilia looks at Steven, her eyes slits, suspicious of his intent.

Steven frowns angrily, his patience nonexistent. "Just come the hell on! Mauville is under attack!"
"What?!" Cecilia's eyes widen, her mouth agape as she tries to understand. "Team Celestial?"
"Yes, them! Now we need to go, NOW!"

Steven and Cecilia run out of the Pokemon center, a cloud of sand trailing behind them as they make their way to the dock. "How the hell are we gonna get there?"

"Already taken care of," Steven says, gasping for breath as they reach the dock.
There, a man with a long, brown moustache, and an intense, serious stare looks at the two. He wears a captains outfit, complete with the hat. Beside him stands an intimidating, dominant Salamence.

"Get on," the man says simply, hopping onto the Pokemon's neck. Steven jumps on behind him, as Cecilia hesitates for a second before scrambling up the gargantuan Pokemon's back.

"This is gonna be a rough ride," the man says as they take off, gliding high into the seemingly endless expanse of clouds above.

The night sky is illuminated with stars as they soar through the air, the clouds reflecting the light their way in a peaceful beauty. The wind runs through Cecilia's hair, her eyes closed as she lazily tries to stay focused and awake, mind filled with the dangerous matter at hand. Even as the questions come to her one after another after another, she doesn't dare to open her mouth as the anxiety builds in her stomach, and the stranger in front of her seems even more daunting by the second.

"Drake is the final member of the elite four. He's a dragon type trainer, and one of the most powerful Pokemon trainers the world over. Not someone you want to mess around with." Steven whispers into Cecilia's ear, and then withdraws, eyes pointed at Drake in hopes he didn't overhear anything.

"I can tell..." Cecilia mumbles under her breath.

As the clouds continue to whiz past them, they slowly become more sparse as slowly the crepuscular night begins to break into the dawn of a new day. Below them, the water sparkles with stupendous beauty, Wingulls and Pelippers flying in triangular formations across the sky. The sea, the very world they live in has never seemed more beautiful as it does on this terrible day...

Cecilia looks down at it, and sees it as something worth protecting with her very life; Pokemon, people, nature... She never wanted to see events transpire like the ones Steven had mentioned, so many years ago.

So.... why? Why would someone like Team Celestial seek destruction of this pristine, beautiful world they lived in?
As they continue to fly, Cecilia felt her skin get more and more pale as her stomach continued to churn and churn in its pattern of twisting around in anxious circles of stress. She felt vomit kicking in the back of her throat, and barely held it down as the surface of the world below transformed from sea to land.

Looking down, she can see a sandy beach, shifting into a port city, shifting into a grassy walkway. Some sort of down sloped bridge is in construction along the path.

As she looks back up, she hears Drake's voice, gruff against the wind; "We got trouble..."
Through the clouds, several feet away, two eyes pierce the sky as they rocket straight forward, directly at Salamence and the gang. Breaking free from the clouds, the figure takes shape as...

"Latios!" For some reason, Cecilia recognizes it instantly, unable to hide the shock in her voice.

"Well shit..." Drake spits, eyes narrowed at the approaching target as he brings Salamence to a complete standstill in the air.

Latios' eyes glow a dark, unnatural red, as some sort of corrupt energy seems to flow through them. The Pokemon continues to fly directly at them, approaching at incredible speed. As it draws ever closer, a ball of psychic mist forms in its mouth, and is shot at the gang with outstanding precision.

"Hold on tight!" Drake veers Salamence hard to the side in a hard left, Salamence's body sideways as Cecilia and Steven desperately cling for dear life. Drake flies Salamence to the left, as Latios swerves into their direction as well.

"Well, guess we have at least one honest shot..." Drake sighs, adjusting his hat as he rebalances Salamence in the air. "Hit it with a hyper beam!"
Salamence gathers all of the energy it can in its mouth, and then releases an extremely brutally strong concentrated blast of energy, blazing across the sky and right at Latios.

Latios is hit, and screams in agony as the pain it already seems to be in greatly intensifies. Without a seconds breath, Latios gathers its strength. It's body shines, as from the sky it summons a small meteor, glowing with ancient, indescribable power. The sheer force it exerts, the fear it instills in Steven and Cecilia... The attack seems to spell their fate from the second they see the meteor floating above.

"Well," Blake says, looking up at the Meteor with a twinkle in his eyes. "It was nice knowin ya."

The meteor is flung through the atmosphere, gathering strength as it blazes with unprecedented speed and power directly at Salamence.

In the last second, Salamence flings its weight up, taking the hit dead on as Steven, Cecilia, and Drake descend down into the dark depths below....

Her voice again...

"Cecilia... I promise, that... I'll always be by your side."

Her... The girl with the long black hair, the olive skin... The hazel eyes...

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