Part 6

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Steven and Cecilia emerge from the forest, persperating with the work of a hard day's training fresh in their minds. Beyond the forest, a cottage overlooks a dock, where a small boat sits in the water, bobbing up and down. On the boat's tip, a Wingull sits patiently, ready for adventure.

"Hey, if we're lucky that boat can take us to Dewford town," Steven grins.
"Dewford?" Cecilia frowns, questioning her familiarity with the region. In her years alone, she had come to fully explore the Hoenn region as far as she was aware. But the advent of a town she had never heard of seemed to prove her otherwise.

"Yeah, Dewford. There's a cave there I want to check out!" Steven sticks his tongue out, as Cecilia's eyes widen with surprise.

"Let's go!" Steven edges Cecilia on, knocking on the door to the cottage enthusiastically.

"I've never seen you so excited about anything," Cecilia mentions, surprised.

Steven sticks his tongue out, winking. "Caves mean rocks and earthy Pokemon you know?"

"So, you're excited to look at rocks?" Cecilia laughs.

"Pretty much," Steven replies, giving a hearty smile.


The door opens, revealing a middle aged man with short greying hair and a goatee. He wears mild surprise on his face, as he looks over Steven and Cecilia with an intense curiosity. "What can I do ya for?"

Cecilia pipes in; "Uhm, we want to go to..." She trails off, trying to think of the name of the town.

"Dewford town, sir!" Steven chimes in. "If it wouldn't be too much of a hassle. I would be happy to pay you."
"Oh, please." The man laughs, shaking his head. "No need. I'm always up for some good ol fashioned hitting the seas. The names Briney!" Briney sticks his hand out, smiling.

Steven meets his hand in a firm handshake. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Briney!"

"Mister?" Briney chuckles. "I might have to use that."

Steven nods, as Briney points towards his boat. "If you two want, just hop on board. Peeko is there waitin for ya."

"Peeko?" Cecilia asks, confused. "Is that the name of the ship?"
Briney laughs loudly, then replies; "It's the Wingull silly."

"Oh! Of course!" Cecilia's face lights up, embarrassed at her assumption.

Steven and Cecilia hop onto the deck of the ship, looking out into the sea beyond as it stretches far into the distance. Mr. Briney jumps onto the ship, and lets it loose from the rope holding it into shore, starting the motor as he declares "anchors away!"

The ship is set free into the open water, building up speed as they glide through the sea in a steady stream. Around them, a copious amount of beauty can be spotted from afar; rocky islands, grassy plains, swimmers playing as the sun sets behind them in the distance...

Cecilia feels the wind tugging at her hair, smells the salty scent of adventure abound, and marvels at the beauty of it all. Eevee sits on her shoulder, it's fur dancing in the wind, ecstatic at his place in the universe.

Peeko flies alongside the ship, as Mr. Briney lets loose a huge grin across his face. Steven lies on the floor of the ship, smiling as he feels the motion of the ship rock back and forth.

In the distance, Cecilia sees a bigger land mass taking shape. "That's..."
"Dewford!" Mr. Briney leans back, looking into the sky as the stars start to emerge in the sky. Cecilia follows suit, marveling at the beauty of it all.

In the corner of her eye, a star seems to shoot past Cecilia's vision, somewhere in the huge expanse of the sky above.

Her star...

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