Part 7

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"Beldum, go!" Steven smiles cockily, throwing his Pokeball into the air and swiping his hand to the side as Beldum materializes before him.

"Starting off with your heavy hitter, huh?" Cecilia sneers, snatching the Pokeball spinning in her hand into a solid grasp. "Come on out, Shroomish!"

Shroomish turns it's head to side, angrily pouting. Cecilia feels a drop of sweat slide down the side of her face, smiling guiltily as she's unsure if the anger is towards Steven or her.

"Beldum, take down!" Steven commands the battlefield with his very presence as he leans back, a sly smile across his face. Cecilia grimaces, seeing how much he thinks he already has this in the bag.

The take down hits Shroomish hard. She rolls across the jagged stone floor in a violent motion. Then, gets up energetically, thirsty for blood.

"That's the spirit! Now, stun spore!" Cecilia smiles, taking command of the battlefield as Shroomish showers a thick yellow dust across the cave. Beldum shakes, closes its eye, and then opens it again, feeling its body getting more sluggish and harder to move.

Steven closes his eyes, looking somewhat dismayed. "Take down, one more time!"

The Beldum thrusts forward with it's full body, but moves somewhat sluggishly as it makes its way through the minefield of stun spore below it. Cecilia grins, seeing her chance. "Shroomish, mega drain!"

Before the Beldum can hit, Shroomish lets loose a spiral of energy, that permeates Beldum's body, and then returns to Shroomish. Shroomish absorbs the energy, becoming reinvigorated as she feels the energy rush through her.

The Beldum's takedown finally makes it's way to its target, and smacks the Shroomish to the side. Despite hurting the Pokemon, shroomish appears just as healthy as the last time it took a hit.

Steven frowns, his calm aura dissipating as he begins to see his predestination. He considers switching Pokemon, but quickly changes his mind in the interest of a straight forward fight.

"Beldum, g-" Steven and Cecilia's eyes widen, as before them a strong light illuminates the cave in a sudden burst. Beldum opens its eye, ferociously summoning up all it's willpower as it shines even brighter, beginning to take an entirely different form.


"Evolving!" Steven exclaims, ecstatic at the advent of opportunity now presenting itself to him; a chance to change the tide of the battle.

The light simmers down, and a Metang materializes in it's wake. Shroomish squirms, as Cecilia looks at it apprehensively.

"Shroomish, mega drain!"

"Not so fast," Steven taunts. "Metal claw, now!"

Before Shroomish can successfully get off the hit, Metang swoops in with a powerful metal claw across Shroomish's face. Shroomish is smacked back, reeling in pain before eventually softly plopping onto the floor, fainted.

Cecilia bites her lip, fearing defeat as she sends Shroomish back. Looking through her Pokemon, she questions if she even has a Pokemon strong enough to take the powerful Metang before her head on. She sighs, feeling Steven's mojo permeate the room, back in full swing. She throws her Pokeball into the air.

"Come on out, Sableye!"

Sableye creeps into the battlefield, it's eyes devilishly staring into Metang's soul as its sinister smile creeps across it's face. "Sableye, shadow sneak!" Cecilia smiles with a surprising amount of confidence, as Steven keeps his cool composure.

Sableye hit's Metang hard, doing an excessive amount of damage with the addition of type advantage. Steven grimaces, seeing how hard Metang takes the hit, and upsettingly declares "Come on! Metal claw!"

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