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Thomas' Point of View

Teresa and I talked late in the nights, and I fell in love with her all over again - the new her. I learned all about her, every secret, every fear. And in return, I told her about myself - everything I was trying to avoid.

We talked until the sunlight crept across her floor from her window.

"Let's leave for a few hours." I say. "We can -"

"Are you asking me out on a date?"

I laughed. "Technically, it could be a date."

My voice became a low growl. "It'll be dangerous, reckless and in the end we may not get out without a deadly battle." I say dramatically. "But for an hour with you, I'll gladly fight to my death."

"How will we escape?" She asked, trying hard not to smile.

"Grab your blankets and your pillows, then bundle them together."

I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the window. I grabbed a rope and latched it on the base of her windowsill. We were going to slide down.

"You hold the pillows - and I'll hold you." I say softly. And I pulled her close to me. "Now we must go, before the enemies see us."

As we jumped out the window, Teresa clung to the blankets and I clung to her, her face buried on my chest.

As we slid down, I caught a glimpse of a surprised Minho. Teresa smiled and waved at him, he rolled his eyes.

When we reached the ground, I unhooked ourselves from the line.

"They saw us! We must hurry now or we will die!" She giggled.

We walked until we found a small patch of grass, overlooking the small lake. The rising sun, sent diamonds sparkling over the surface. Together, we spread her blankets over the grass, her pillows scattered in the center, and we flopped down eagle-spread, tired from our dangerous escape.

"We're done escaping." She whispered. "Are we safe now?"

"We are." I said, pulling a pillow beneath my head. Her eyes slowly narrowed. "That's my favorite pillow!"

She hefted a pillow and threw at me. I rolled away from it, clutching my prize. I threw another back at her.

We fought throwing pillows back and forth for a few minutes before I finally let one hit me. I fell to my knees, faking a death scene.

"Ohh . . . You got me." I moaned, falling to the side. And with a heaving sigh, I closed my eyes.

"What will save your life, O valiant knight?." She whispered. "A kiss?"

She smiled, leaning down -

"Well, aren't you two just the definition of fun." A familiar voice whispered. "First date, and you're already trying to kill her - I could teach you how to treat a lady." He stood at rigidly, a gun pointed at Teresa's head.

"In fact, I'll take Teresa on a date right now, to show her how a man ought to treat her. A very long date - who knows what could happen?"

OBLIVION [Thomesa]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora