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Did you know that each perfect star
we see in our night sky,
could have been already dead
for hundred years?

How I wonder what you are

The last bit of light from the star,
travels to us thousands of lightyears away -
finally reaching us, but the star is already gone.

Up above the world so high

And when a star finally does disappear from the sky,
there's no telling how long it's already been dead.

Like a diamond in the sky

And that last shine, we see in our skies,
is only a memory of a dead dream ...
and soon even that echo of a lost life, fades away.
It's a desperate plea -
that it won't be forgotten.
But it will -
nothing lasts forever.

little star

Everything good dies here -
even the stars.

How I wonder what you are

And no matter how hard,
a bird may fly,
it can never reach a already dead star.
Because what it sees is only an echo.

A graveyard of stars.

The feeling only lasted 5 seconds.
Five excruciatingly cruel moments.

It was the moment when you wake up -
before you feel the bruises,
and before the memories overcome the dull sleepiness
of the first few waking moments.

You don't remember all the reasons you never wanted to wake up.
For these moments,
you can forget the numbness in your soul,
after being in so much pain,
you no longer feel anything.
It's for those first few seconds,
that there is huge hope that everything was only a dream -
you feel as if things could still be okay.

And then like a knife,
cold and sharp,
the realization biting through the grogginess of the morning-
suddenly Teresa remembered it all.
Each memory stabbed her,
creating another chasm into her soul.
Her bruises, reminded her of her physical harm inflicted upon her, - and another pain, and
in her soul,
which hurt much much more.

And the monsters that our mothers tell us doesn't exist,
The calming songs they sing about how nightmares will never conquer - this is the moment when it hits you;
monsters are real,
and nightmares sometimes become your reality.
And sometimes there is never a 'happy ending'.
And as soon as those precious seconds were lost
And reality and fear set in -
She realized her ending would be dark, lonely, and painful.
Her throat and eyes burned as she fought back tears fiercely. There would be no happy ending for me. But I did not cry - I would not be weak in my last moments - I refuse to give them the satisfaction of breaking me -

She was no longer blindfolded, she noticed when she had gathered myself enough to open her eyes, and she saw another boy -
who looked like he saw a ghost from past life.
He looked very familiar -
like Teresa had known him before I forgot everything.
She woke on the floor of an empty silent warehouse -
an unused storage unit.
It was very spacious but completely empty.

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