The Plane To Indianopolis

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Jack packed up his stuff he puts his shirts, pants, and other stuff like his hat. "Off I go to a far away place from here" said Jack," Well the plane leaves at 8:00 a.m." Jack goes and pays for the plane and sits down. *hears foot steps a lot* "huh?" jack said. Big crowd of fans. " oh no" jack said while running away. "I'm gonna miss the plane!" Said Jack. "
Jack grabs his stuff and ran to the plane and got his seat. Than a LADY SAT NEXT TO HIM!!! "Uhhhhh hello" Jack said. "Hello" said the lady. Jack just ignored the lady for now. The plane started moving and Mark was already there in Indianapolis. Lol!
Than Jack wanted a nice snack. He grabbed some cake from the snack tray.  Jack sept the rest of the the trip.
         Mark was looking for a good hotel to go in but Jack hasn't came yet. Mark found a hotel and looked at the snack machine. *drooling* SUSHI?" Markiplier. 
Jack came and found a hotel to and got inside and walked. While walking Jack and mark saw each other and went to the same hotel............again. I hope you guys like this chapter I'll make a longer one tommorow ok!!🤓

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