The Legend

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Chapter 2

 All of five of us gathered around in a circle, the heater is broken so we also had blankets. Amy was on my left and Jade on my right, next to Jade was Hazel, then Abbi and back to Amy. The reason you might be asking, why are we doing this? Because at ten at night Jade decided to call an emergency meeting which apparently means ghost stories.

 Hazel looked like she was in her own little world, not paying attention at all. She was the furthest away from the group, sitting lonesome. I don't know how she does it. Especially with out strange this place is. It's just as frightening in the pitch darkness.

 ''Why are we down here again?'' Amy, who is hugging my arm, asked in a whisper.

 Abbi sighs, "Ghost stories connects us with nature."

 Amy rolls her eyes ,''I think I am more than connected with dirt and bugs, which I would rather not be.''

 ''You guys done now?'' I asked, annoyed, wanting to get this over with. I was drowsy from the rode trip here and I was practically a zombie from no sleep. They both nodded.

 ''Okay, okay. It's my turn first", Jade impatiently says. 

 Amy let out a grouchy mumble of words as Abbi glared at her so she would pay attention. Amy rolled her eyes impatiently, not interested in the idea of ghost stories. Bored, she fidgeted with her fingers and did anything to pass time.

 Jade held the flashlight tightly in her hands, shining it on herself. Her face went serious as she began, "Long ago, when Camp Caymon was a village, children started disappearing one by one. All the people of the village thought that the Dogman was responsible. So the mayor looked at the villagers and said 'Dogman must die for eating our children!' and they stomped their way to cabin 313. They dragged Dogman and his wife out of their cabin and shot a bullet through his head first, but before they could put a bullet through hers she screams, 'You all are idiots, I'm going to come back! You can't kill me with a bullet' she laughed. And with that they shot her as well."

 "Why the wife?"

 I looked up at Abbi who had asked the question. Jade shrugged, "They said his wife had the witch's necklace. I guess they though she was a witch."

 "Creepy", shivered Amy. I was surprised Amy listened to the story.

 Abbi looked over to me, "Are you okay? You've been quieter than Hazel over here."

 Hazel's gaze was cast upon me. I gave her a silent sorry. She nodded approvingly, being understanding. She mouthed 'it's okay'. I didn't answer Abbi's question, instead, I just let my thoughts wander to other things. Like sleep.

 Jade let out a half hearted laugh, that was loud so on instinct we all shushed her. She rolled her eyes and continued, "As I was going to say, we are sitting in the house that was rebuilt on top of Dogman's home."

 Ms. Neon came down the stairs. She looked down at us with hatred, "What are you doing? Go up to your rooms this instant. You are forbidden to stay up this late."


 The upstairs of the cabin has all the bedrooms. There are four in all. Jade and Hazel in room one. Me, Amy, and Abbi are across the hall in room two. Ms. Neon in room three. Ms. Daisy in room four.

 Who is Ms.Daisy you ask? She is the best councilor in history. She was my councilor last year, too. She's short (shorter than me anyway), a red head, and really sweet (She is played by Molly Burnett).

 I hope you guys enjoy me being completely honest with you. And I'm going to say something that we all know is true. We stayed up like we weren't supposed to do, but we did it anyway.

 I thought it would be a great time to bring up the hotty's number Abbi got.

 "So who was the Hotty?" I wiggled my eyebrows, as I jumped on my bed. Luckily, we all had single beds unlike other camps.

 Abbi turned into a living tomato as she screamed into her pillow. She's a hunger games fan so the pillow has a mockingjay pin on it. She said something I couldn't understand because of the pillow. So Amy explained for her, "His name is Matt. He's a brunette and two other hot guys were next to him as well."

 I looked at Abbi to see if that is true and she nodded, "And he asked me to text him."

 "OMG, Abbi got a guy. I'm in shock."

 At that moment, Ms. Neon walked in, "How many times do I have to tell you children to go to sleep? Amy, Abbi, Alana you all have kitchen duty for all of tomorrow."

 After that, she shut the door behind her, obviously annoyed.  

 So we all got changed and got into bed, but none of us could go to sleep. So much for a goodnight's rest. After a while, we just stared at the ceiling. I started to think, just realising something peculiar.

 Is it funny I honestly don't remember us telling Ms. Neon our names. Let alone my real name.


Hey, it's Destiny.

Hope u guys like it and I would like u to know that this is ringed with truth some of this stuff actually happened to me. PLEASE PLEASE vote and comment tell me what to fix. 

Love all you guys, 


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