The Camp Fire

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After we get back from the electives, we go to dinner. Cheeseburgers. Pickles. All that good stuff. As I pick up my plastic fork, Amy sits down across from me with a huge smile on her face, like as I she were going to explode. I raised a brow, like a signal for her to spill. And she did gladly.

"Hazel talked Ms. Daisy into letting her throw a party, since she didn't get to celebrate her birthday at home. They're even setting up a bon fire towards the older part of camp where the party will be at. Cool, huh?"

I shrugged and looked back down at my tray that currently was overflowing with fresh french fries and other delicious foods that smelled amazing. As much as a part sounds fun, especially considering that Ms. Neon is letting this carry on with her knowing about it. Seems kinda generous after the mean lady vibe she's pulled off. Then again, I wouldn't go anyways if Mrs. Neon were as nice as Ms. Daisy, because its Hazel's party. And if I know one thing, Hazel isn't too fond of me. At all.

"And guess what else? Hazel came up and personally invited us to go! I mean c'mon that's like a step closer into the It crowd." She said, swaying her spoonful of mashed potatoes in the air suggestively.

I sighed. "When was the last time you seen Hazel with the It crowd? And what about Jade?"

I guess Amy hasn't realize Hazel is pretty antisocial and definitely hasn't been hanging out with the It crowd, or anyone, for that matter.

She answered in a heartbeat, "That's the funny thing. It was just a few minutes ago. They're eating outside, I guess it's where all the cool kids sit. Anyways, I think I saw Jade out there and Roman."

My heart stopped. I barely knew Roman. As far as he knows I'm just some girl decent with an arrow. I jumped up from the table to thrown tray away, after losing my appetite. I heard Amy yell from behind me, "Hey, where are you going?"

I didn't reply as I zoomed by a very confused Abbi.


After time, after time, and after time again of a huge debate whether I go or not, I finally have in. The next thing I knew I was stuffed in one of Amy's dresses. She brought five pares of dresses in case of an emergency, and for once, her nonsense came in handy.

Abbi is in one of Amy's fitted emerald green dresses, which was a little to big on her. Though according to our fashion index, Amy says her hair that I braided keeps the attention off of her slightly baggy dress.

Amy is wearing her favorite dress, which is dramatically belonged out for her standards. It's a rosy pink, that actually looks like a rose from its ruffles blooming at the bottom. Her hair is pulled into a high bun.

As for me, I wore her light blue cocktail dress. Amy suggested it herself, saying it would bring out my eyes. The dress is simple: strapless and jewels sprawled along it that made it look like it's snowing. Unlike the other girls, I wore my hair down in bouncy curls that tumbled over my shoulders.

Amy grinned, "Roman wot be able to peel his eyes off of you, AJ."

I frowned. Did Amy know....? No, she couldn't of.

"We all look smashing", Abbi complimented and then clapped her hands together, "Now lets go crash that party!"

When we arrived, a handful of boys looked out way and some girls glared at us out of hatred, jealousy, judgmental thoughts, I wouldn't know. It didn't matter, because it didn't really bother me. All I could focus on Roman strolling in my direction with a smile planted on his perfect face.

As he neared, a familiar hand reached out to stop him in his tracks: Hazel. She smiled a friendly smile, and she almost looked like an innocent normal teen. Almost. She continues to talk, causing him to chuckle. She brought her hand to his chest, and thats when he excused himself. Her face is indescribable as he began to approach me.

The bon fire illuminated his skin tone, making him seem like a rich caramel. When he reached me, he didn't hesitate. "Hey, AJ."

"Hi, Roman." I outstretched my hand for a lousy handshake, and oddly enough, he actually shook my hand with a tight firm grip.

He then looked up at the midnight sky, taking in the stars. His gaze fell back onto mine, "Mighty pretty stars out here."

My eyes fixated on the stars glowing in the sky, "Yeah."

We met I contact again, so I felt obligated to say something. Anything.

"A bit chilly, though."

He nodded in agreement, "You know, it's warmer by the fire."


He laughed, and grabbed my hand, knocking the breath from my lungs with the contact of his hand forming around mine. He escorted me to one of the logs by the camp fire. I sat down beside him, and he began to talk while I sat and listened. Here and there I would add in a comment, but most of the time I'm lost in his words. It's funny how I just let him do the talking.

"So, how long have you been shooting a bow?" His eyes are questioning.

"Actually, I--"

"There you are!"

At the sound of her shrill voice, we both turned to see Hazel. Now getting a better look at her from this lighting, I could see she's wearing a red dress. I wonder if she got any tips from Amy. But soon I realized that idea was silly.

"Um, hey birthday girl", Roman spoke.

She pointed at us two, "Jade and I were talking and well, we decided what birthday party doesn't have any games", she paused, as if waiting for us to put in any extra input, but then she quickly caught on, "We came up with the idea of playing black cat."

"Black cat?" I asked in confusion.

"It's basically hide and seek", Roman explained, his multicolor eyes landing on mine, "but in the dark."

"This is going to be sweet! I just know it", Hazel squealed.

I tried really hard not to look at her in awe from her random burst of girly noise or reaching out and punching her in the face. Mostly the latter.

"Lets do it!" She giggled.

I began to wonder if this was one big mistake.

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