Jealous Arrow

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Chapter 4

At camp we get to do two activities. Me, being a Tom boy, chose Archery and Basketball.

I have Archery first, so I have to walk to the Archery range which is a quarter mile away. So much fun! Hint the sarcasm. But I see Jade and Hazel a little ways away and I run to try to catch up with them.

Finally when I catch up, we are half way there. "Hey where are you guys going?"

"Going to Archery, why?" Stated Jade, all the while Hazel just ignored me.

"Me too. Can I walk with you guys?"


When we got there we found Daisy had Roman in a head lock. We suppressed laughter, finding it funny and enjoyable to watch.

Then I saw Roman say something and Daisy let go when we got into hearing distance.

"Hey ladies", Daisy said sweetly.

"Hey Daisy", Jade and I said at the same time. I looked at Jade with a big smile, "Jinx!"

Jade just rolled her eyes, grinning, and Hazel didn't speak. Hazel's eyes were somewhere else and she didn't find anything humorous apparently. She's been acting weird lately, ever since breakfast.

"Sorry girls I have to go. See y'all later." She said, looking a her clipboard.

"Bye, Daisy." We both waved as she walked off.

"Line up in front of a target", Roman instructed us. Hazel's eyes were on Roman the whole time.

He didn't seem to notice, because his eyes were on me while I'm looking down at my hands pretending not to notice.

"Hazel, stop drooling,'' Jade laughed. Roman ingored Jade's comment and walked behind us, heckling our posture.

The target were made of hay, and luckily the bows were compound. I'm better with compound bows, because they're easier to shoot.

Our bows were different colors. Jade's was red, Hazel's was yellow, and mine was lime green. I got the middle target. Jade was on my left, Hazel on my right.

I grab one of my arrows and take aim. I was about to shoot when I felt someones hands on my hips.

I froze.

"AJ, relax. Pull the arrow back to your ear, at the corner of your lips." Roman said as removed his hands from my hips, and firmly onto my hands.

"Release." He whispered, his minty breath fanning my cheek.

I let go of the string. Bullseye.

I felt a faint smile stretch across my lips as I turned, finding an approving Roman.

Though over his shoulder, I see Hazel. At first, her gaze was longing. But when she catches me looking at her, her saddened face turned angry and disgusted.

I frowned innerly. Was she really jealous of the attention I'm getting from Roman?I think I might have a problem.

AJ and the Legend of Dog ManOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora