It's just the way we are!

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"JOSH, MAKE ME BREAKFAST!" It was a Saturday morning and I really couldn't be bothered to get out of bed, but I was so hungry so what better way to survive than to ask your best friend of you whole life Josh Gray to make you something to eat? I knew he would already be up making himself some breakfast so while he is there he may as well make me some. After about 10 minutes I heard a knock on my bedroom door, it was Josh. I was so happy because he brought me breakfast that I just had to get up and hug him, he was surprised at the act but went with it until I stopped. I looked at the plate that he brought me and it was full of pancakes aka my favourite food in the whole wide world! Me and Josh have been best friends for as long as we can remember. We have grown up together and recently moved into a flat together in Wicklow, Ireland. Josh is from Wicklow but I am originally from Galway but me and my family moved here when I was 1. that's when I met Josh. since then we have pretty much been inseparable hence why we live together. We love each other... in a friend way. Now what I haven't told you is that Josh is in a boy band, an Irish boy band called HomeTown. I am yet to meet this band even though my best friend is in it but according to Josh it has been planned that I meet them tomorrow when they have band practice at Cian's. He is in the band along with Josh and 4 other members: Brendan, Ryan, Dean and Dayl. So pretty excited since Josh can't stop talking about how amazing the boys are, we will see how it goes. while I was eating my delicious breakfast I was thinking on what to do today and came up with the idea of me and Josh going shopping since we didn't have anything better to do. I went down the stairs to ask him and thankfully he agreed and with that we both ran upstairs to get ready. I went for a shower first so I hopped in and did my usual routine before getting out and going into my bedroom. I blow waved my hair and then let the waves fall down my back. with my outfit, I decided on a pair of plain black leggings, a mustard coloured knitted jumper and a pair of timberlands as it was the middle of September. (outfit at the beginning) With my makeup I just kept it simple with a thin layer of eyeliner and a couple of layers of mascara. I was finally ready so I ran down the stairs to find Josh already dressed and ready to go. He just ran to the door and opened it looking like a little kid on Christmas morning, I just shook my head and walked out of the door into my car as I was going to drive today. When we were in the car we listened to the vamps album as we both loved it. After a enjoyable 10 minute journey we reached the shopping centre. I immediately ran into Hollister as it was my favourite shop of all time but ended up not buying anything whereas Josh bought 2 tops. After we had finished in there we went into Primark, from there I got 2 dresses, a jumper and a pair of jeans. Josh got 3 pairs of jeans and a black hoodie. by then we decided it was time for food so we went for a Nandos as it was our favourite food. I was extremely tired by then so we decided to head home. When we got home it was 4pm so I decided to sit down with Josh and watch the T.V. We sat on the couch cuddled up like we always were, its just the way we are! Time flew by and it was soon 8pm so we decided to order a Dominos and put on a film like we always do on a Saturday night. This time it was Josh's turn to pick a movie and the amount of times we have done this I already know what movie he was gonna pick and how right was I? I was scrolling through my twitter feed when I heard josh's voice "Emilyyyyyyyyy can we watch the Amazing Spiderman 2 pleaseeeeee?" how could I say no to that cute face? So he put the film on and then the food came so that was good timing. we sat down with pizza and watched Spderman for about the 500th time. After watching the film it was really late so I decided to go to bed ready for the big day that is getting closer and closer... the day I meet the boys! I said goodnight to Josh and ran up to my room. I changed into my pjs and then went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Then I walked back into my room and got into bed, I decided to go on my phone like I do every night. after about 15 minutes on my phone I decided to put my phone down. I'm quite nervous for tomorrow. What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm weird? ahh I'm sure they are lovely!

A/N: So that was my first chapter!!!!!! Hope you guys enjoyed this and sorry if this lacked a little. its my first proper fanfic and im terrible at English! BUT I've got loads of DRAMA coming up so watch out!! Love ya! Emily xxx

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