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2 months later

Brens PoV

It's been 2 months since we last heard off Dayl or Emily... Well since josh had heard off Dayl or Emily. We had heard off them they are in clonmel with Dayls fam and they are coming back today but we are not telling Josh

"Morning!" Josh ran down the stairs looking all ruffled up

"You okay?" I spoke

"Grand what we doing today?" He asked

"We are all staying in no excuses!" I spoke laughing

"Okay I'll go and get ready" Josh spoke running back upstairs as I opened the door for Emily and Dayl

"Hiiiiii I've missed you so much!!" Emily whispered

"I've missed you too josh is upstairs getting ready so be quiet" I whispered

They say on the sofa cuddled up like always no change there then

" he's coming duck!!" I whispered as Josh came down the stairs

"OMG ITS NOT!!!" He spoke

"SUPRISEEEE!!!" Emily and dayl shouted in unison

"OMGGGGG!!" Josh screamed running up to Emily and squeezing her

"Don't squeeze too hard" Emily giggled as Dayl laughed

" I've missed you so much!!" He said crying

"I missed you too" Emily cried

"Aweeee this is so cute!!" Dayl said in his slime voice

"Can we invite all the lads and Steph back and have a movie night?" Emily asked

"YEASSSSSSS" everyone screamed so we all phoned the lads and Emily called Steph

Emily's PoV

I never really thought I would of missed Josh this much but when he came down I realised how close we used to be before I met the lads

"Josh can I talk to you please" I laughed as I walked upstairs

"Sure" he spoke confused as I walked upstairs followed by him

" everything okay?" He spoke again as we were now face to face as he held onto my arms gently

" coming backs just make me realise how close we used to be and I've just missed you Josh" I spoke and pulled him into a hug

" I've missed you too" Josh squeezed me

" not too hard yoshi" Dean walked up the stairs interrupting

" oh okay" Josh nodded and stepped back looking at my belly for a while until dean snapped him out of his daze and took him upstairs thought out the excitement Id realised the person who I'd missed the most isn't here. Steph when I rang her phone it did go to voice mail so I picked up my phone and texted her

Steph where are you I miss you xx

No answer

Steph come on this isn't funny I really need to see you xx

No answer

I'm coming to yours your scaring me you always have your phone on xx

No answer

I walked downstairs and realised that all but Cian and Ryan were drunk it was nice to see the lads were having a good time I grabbed my shoes and started to put them on

" Cian come here a second" I spoke as he walked over and lent against the wall waiting for me to speak

" know where Steph is?" I asked

" no" he simply spoke starring right at me

" Cian?" I asked again standing up

" no I don't know where Steph is" he spoke and walked back into the room standing in the exact spot but this time starring at me everywhere I moved he kept his eyes locked on me to be honest he looked possessed I didn't bother telling Dayl Bec he was off his head singing with Josh and Dean I got into my car and started to drive to Stephs luckily it wasn't that far I got to her house but something seemed strange about it the front gate was open and her front door she'd always locked them because of Alfie who is 2 now so he could run out both the door and gate I quickened my pace and walked into the house

"Steph?" I spoke as I stepped in onto the welcome home doorstep that was incredibly dull even though she texted me a week ago saying she just brought it and on the picture it was squeaky clean I searched around all of the rooms

" Steph, Alfie?" I spoke before the door shut behind me


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