You sure about that?

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I was getting ready for my cafe trip with dayl I was a little nervous as I didn't know what to expect. Steph came in happily making me jump

" MORNINGG" she dived on me as I was sitting on the edge of the bed

" morning" I laughed as she did

" so you excited for your date with dayl!" She smiled nudging me

" it's not a date" I spoke

" you sure about that" she winked and nudged me again laughing

" yes it's not a date!" I spoke a little to harsh making stephs expression shocked

" oh err sorry I'll leave" she spoke not knowing what to do as she backed out of the room great why did I just do that I felt so bad but I'll sort that out later I needed to get ready so I picked out some clothes I was going for a casual look as I didn't want to dress too fancy I walked down the stairs and saw dayl smiling cheekily as he turned away slightly I took hold of his hand as he nodded towards his hand as I giggled

" shall we go?" Dayl laughed slightly

" yeah sure" I laughed at how nervous he was he ordered a taxi as he opened the door gentleman like

Stephs PoV
I was slightly shocked at Emily's sharp response I was just joking I went downstairs and watched bren make tea

" you okay?" Bren asked

" Emily just snapped at me I don't really know what to do" I spoke playing with a bit of string on the table

" awwe I'm sure she'll be fine" bren hugged me

" I hope so" I sighed

" where's Emily?" Josh asked

" I don't know" I spoke in a sad tone not meaning to

" you okay?" Josh hugged me

" yeah I'm fine just feel but ill I lied" not wanting to tell josh what I felt about Emily

" sure think you should lie down or something have tea" bren spoke picking me up and running to the sofa dropping me

" bren be careful you could of killed her" ryan laughed a little

" it's okay" I laughed

" your crazy" ryan laughed

" stephh" cian shouted as I jumped up and ran upstairs

" hello my luverr" I dived on cian

" dayls brainwashed ye" cian laughed

" come here" cian pulled me closer to him and let's just say noises where made

Dayls PoV
I love Emily a lot I couldn't help it I was kinda showing off a little bit but here's the problem josh has told us that he likes her he said that ages ago but I think he still likes her        And I don't think she knows, if she did I think she would go for him because they already act like a couple which annoys me a little.

We arrived at the coffee shop and I went to order the drinks Emily sat down in the corner and I joined her later on we where just chatting

Emily's pov
We were talking about the band life when dayl randomised the topic

"So how's you and josh going?" 

"We aren't going out you know" I answered

"You sure about that? You seem pretty close and we all know you guys like each other" dayl replied back with a sad look on he's face. I don't know why but this got me pretty annoyed

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